Goode, Gretchen S., Laurie MacGillivray, Margaret S. Curwen, Amy Lassiter Ardell & Leslee K. Bailey-Tarbett
Flattening Hierarchies and Encouraging Reflection: Systems Maps as a Local Literacy Practice.
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice 73:1
► pp. 302 ff.

Hawley, Sara
Finding an (Ecological) Niche in the Postdigital Taskscape: The Role of Strong Literacy and Poor Pedagogy in Primary School Pupils’ Online Literacy Practices.
Postdigital Science and Education 6:3
► pp. 866 ff.

Morales, Gianina & Emily Rainey
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings,

Teichert, Laura & Munizah Salman
Digital technology in the early years: A reflection of the literature.
McGill Journal of Education 56:2-3
► pp. 292 ff.

Robinson, Bradley
“yeet nitro boosted”: A Postdigital Perspective on Young People’s Literacy Engagements With the Discord Platform.
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice 71:1
► pp. 359 ff.

Robinson, Bradley
Governance on, with, behind, and beyond the Discord platform: a study of platform practices in an informal learning context.
Learning, Media and Technology 48:1
► pp. 81 ff.

Wilson‐Lopez, Amy, Angela Minichiello, Theresa Green, Christina Hartman & Jared Garlick
A Comparative Case Study of Engineers' Literacy Practices and Implications for Transformative Disciplinary Literacy Pedagogies in Engineering Education.
Reading Research Quarterly 57:4
► pp. 1129 ff.

Costa Filho, Roberto Barbosa & Elizabeth Maria da Silva
Da resenha ao podcast: (re)contextualizações de práticas de letramento em contexto de ensino remoto.
Revista da ABRALIN ► pp. 1137 ff.

Dufour, Christine, Marie D. Martel, Nathalie Lacelle, Samar Kiamé, Laurie-Ann Garneau-Gaudreault & Thomas Poulin
Littératie communautaire : analyse de la production documentaire et revue de la littérature.
Revue de recherches en littératie médiatique multimodale 14

Hedemark, Åse & Ellen Jonsson
Läsning för framtidens samhällsmedborgare: en studie av dåtidens och nutidens svenska kulturpolitiska debatter om barns läsning.
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift 24:2
► pp. 120 ff.

Leite, Evandro Gonçalves , Regina Celi Mendes Pereira & Maria do Socorro Maia Fernandes Barbosa
Práticas letradas acadêmicas na iniciação científica de alunos de ensino médio: gerenciamento de vozes de outrem em artigos científicos.
Revista da ABRALIN ► pp. 1180 ff.

Sefton-Green, Julian
Critical literacy, schooling, and social justice: a review of Allan Luke’s collected essays (2018).
Journal of Curriculum Studies 53:3
► pp. 385 ff.

Pedley, Malika & Anna Stevanato
Le concours Kamishibaï plurilingue : un outil innovant pour diffuser l’éveil aux langues.
Éducation et sociétés plurilingues :45
► pp. 43 ff.

Magalhães, Izabel, André Ricardo Martins & Viviane de Melo Resende
Análise de discurso crítica: um método de pesquisa qualitativa,

Tulloch, Shelley, Adriana Kusugak, Cayla Chenier, Quluaq Pilakapsi, Gloria Uluqsi & Fiona Walton
Transformational Bilingual Learning: Re-Engaging Marginalized Learners through Language, Culture, Community, and Identity.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 73:4
► pp. 438 ff.

Kaburise, P.
Discourse-creating Features of Pre-tertiary Learners.
International Journal of Educational Sciences 8:2
► pp. 419 ff.

Gonac’h, Jeanne, Mickaël Lenfant & Évelyne Delabarre
Des signes de ponctuation en relief et en sourdine chez des élèves de CM1 normands.
Le français aujourd'hui n° 187:4
► pp. 57 ff.

Rowsell, Jennifer, Gunther Kress & Brian Street
Visual optics: interpreting body art, three ways.
Visual Communication 12:1
► pp. 97 ff.

Adami, Hervé & Virginie André
Formation aux écrits professionnels : vers une sociolinguistique impliquée.
Lidil :45
► pp. 51 ff.

Dagenais, Diane
Littératies multimodales et perspectives critiques.
Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures 9:2

Patrick, Donna & Gabriele Budach
« Chaque objet raconte une histoire »Les pratiques de littératie chez des Inuit en milieu urbain.
Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures 9:2

Fraenkel, Béatrice & Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye
Langage et société n° 133:3
► pp. 7 ff.

MacGillivray, Laurie, Amy Lassiter Ardell & Margaret Sauceda Curwen
Libraries, Churches, and Schools: The Literate Lives of Mothers and Children in a Homeless Shelter.
Urban Education 45:2
► pp. 221 ff.

Tulloch, Shelley, Quluaq Pilakapsi, Monica Shouldice, Kim Crockatt, Cayla Chenier & Janet Onalik
Inuit perspectives on sustaining bilingualism in Nunavut.
Études/Inuit/Studies 33:1-2
► pp. 133 ff.

Markose, Susan & Meeri Hellstén
Explaining success and failure in mainstream schooling through the lens of cultural continuities and discontinuities: two case studies1.
Language and Education 23:1
► pp. 59 ff.

McTavish, Marianne
`I get my facts from the Internet': A case study of the teaching and learning of information literacy in in-school and out-of-school contexts.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 9:1
► pp. 3 ff.

Pahl, Kate
Interactions, intersections and improvisations: Studying the multimodal texts and classroom talk of six- to seven-year-olds.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 9:2
► pp. 188 ff.

Dyson, Anne Haas
Staying in the (Curricular) Lines.
Written Communication 25:1
► pp. 119 ff.

Freebody, Peter
Critical Literacy Education: On Living with “Innocent Language”. In
Encyclopedia of Language and Education,
► pp. 520 ff.

Postill, John
Localizing the internet beyond communities and networks.
New Media & Society 10:3
► pp. 413 ff.

Schoorman, Dilys & Hanizah Zainuddin
What Does Empowerment in Literacy Education Look Like? An Analysis of a Family Literacy Program for Guatemalan Maya Families.
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 2:3
► pp. 169 ff.

Smith, Katy
Becoming an ‘honours student’: the interplay of literacies and identities in a high‐track class.
Journal of Curriculum Studies 40:4
► pp. 481 ff.

Taylor, Lisa K., Judith K. Bernhard, Suchi Garg & Jim Cummins
Affirming plural belonging: Building on students' family-based cultural and linguistic capital through multiliteracies pedagogy.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 8:3
► pp. 269 ff.

Bloom, Melanie
Tensions in a non-traditional Spanish classroom.
Language Teaching Research 11:1
► pp. 85 ff.

Dagenais, Diane, Elaine Day & Kelleen Toohey
A Multilingual Child's Literacy Practices and Contrasting Identities in the Figured Worlds of French Immersion Classrooms.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 9:2
► pp. 205 ff.

Street, Brian V.
Foreword by Brian V. Street. In
Literacy and Literacies,
► pp. xi ff.

Street, Brian V.
New Literacies, New Times: Developments in Literacy Studies. In
Literacies and Language Education,
► pp. 1 ff.

Street, Brian V.
New Literacies, New Times: Developments in Literacy Studies. In
Literacies and Language Education,
► pp. 1 ff.

Street, Brian V.
New Literacies, New Times: Developments in Literacy Studies. In
Literacies and Language Education,
► pp. 3 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 29 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.