Part of
Precursors of Functional Literacy
Edited by Ludo Verhoeven, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma
[Studies in Written Language and Literacy 11] 2002
► pp. 1732
Cited by (23)

Cited by 23 other publications

Roepke, Elizabeth & Françoise Brosseau-Lapré
2024. Morphosyntactic profiles among preschoolers with and without speech sound disorders. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 38:10  pp. 987 ff. DOI logo
Mirza, Amna & Alexandra Gottardo
2023. The Role of Context in Learning to Read Languages That Use Different Writing Systems and Scripts: Urdu and English. Languages 8:1  pp. 86 ff. DOI logo
Martinelli, Victor & Bernardette Brincat
2022. The similarity of phonological skills underpinning reading ability in shallow and deep orthographies: a bilingual perspective. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25:6  pp. 2095 ff. DOI logo
Schmidtke, Daniel & Anna L. Moro
2021. Determinants of Word‐Reading Development in English Learner University Students: A Longitudinal Eye Movement Study. Reading Research Quarterly 56:4  pp. 819 ff. DOI logo
Brosseau-Lapré, Françoise, Jennifer Schumaker & Keith R. Kluender
2020. Perception of Medial Consonants by Preschoolers With and Without Speech Sound Disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63:11  pp. 3600 ff. DOI logo
Yuan, Han, Eliane Segers & Ludo Verhoeven
2020. Factors affecting L2 phonological awareness in Chinese-Dutch preschoolers. Written Language & Literacy 23:1  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Brosseau-Lapré, Françoise & Elizabeth Roepke
2019. Speech Errors and Phonological Awareness in Children Ages 4 and 5 Years With and Without Speech Sound Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62:9  pp. 3276 ff. DOI logo
Gerwin, Katelyn, Françoise Brosseau-Lapré, Barbara Brown, Sharon Christ & Christine Weber
2019. Rhyme Production Strategies Distinguish Stuttering Recovery and Persistence. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62:9  pp. 3302 ff. DOI logo
Taha, Haitham & Elinor Saiegh-Haddad
2016. The Role of Phonological versus Morphological Skills in the Development of Arabic Spelling: An Intervention Study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 45:3  pp. 507 ff. DOI logo
Russak, Susie & Alon Fragman
2014. The Development of Grapho-Phonemic Representations among Native Hebrew Speakers Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language. In Handbook of Arabic Literacy [Literacy Studies, 9],  pp. 381 ff. DOI logo
Russak, Susie & Alon Fragman
2014. Spelling development in Arabic as a foreign language among native Hebrew speaking pupils. Reading and Writing 27:2  pp. 359 ff. DOI logo
Taha, Haitham, Raphiq Ibrahim & Asaid Khateb
2014. Exploring the Phenotype of Phonological Reading Disability as a Function of the Phonological Deficit Severity: Evidence from the Error Analysis Paradigm in Arabic. Reading Psychology 35:7  pp. 683 ff. DOI logo
Cheung, K. Y., M. T. Leung & B. McPherson
2013. Reading Strategies of Chinese Students With Severe to Profound Hearing Loss. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 18:3  pp. 312 ff. DOI logo
Schöppe, Doreen, Kristine Blatter, Verena Faust, Dana Jäger, Petra Stanat, Cordula Artelt & Wolfgang Schneider
2013. Effekte eines Trainings der phonologischen Bewusstheit bei Vorschulkindern mit unterschiedlichem Sprachhintergrund*. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 27:4  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
2011. Quantifying phonological representation abilities in Spanish-speaking preschool children. Applied Psycholinguistics 32:1  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Preston, Jonathan L. & Ayumi Seki
2011. Identifying Residual Speech Sound Disorders in Bilingual Children: A Japanese-English Case Study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 20:2  pp. 73 ff. DOI logo
Abu-Rabia, Salim & Ekaterina Sanitsky
2010. Advantages of Bilinguals Over Monolinguals in Learning a Third Language. Bilingual Research Journal 33:2  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
Anthony, Jason L., Jeffrey M. Williams, Rachel G. Aghara, Martha Dunkelberger, Barbara Novak & Anuja Divatia Mukherjee
2010. Assessment of individual differences in phonological representation. Reading and Writing 23:8  pp. 969 ff. DOI logo
Preston, Jonathan & Mary Louise Edwards
2010. Phonological Awareness and Types of Sound Errors in Preschoolers With Speech Sound Disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 53:1  pp. 44 ff. DOI logo
Goswami, Usha
2008. Reading, complexity and the brain. Literacy 42:2  pp. 67 ff. DOI logo
2005. Quality of phonological representations, verbal learning, and phoneme awareness in dyslexic and normal readers. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 46:4  pp. 375 ff. DOI logo
Ziegler, Johannes C. & Usha Goswami
2005. Reading Acquisition, Developmental Dyslexia, and Skilled Reading Across Languages: A Psycholinguistic Grain Size Theory.. Psychological Bulletin 131:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Elbro, Carsten & Dorthe Klint Petersen
2004. Long-Term Effects of Phoneme Awareness and Letter Sound Training: An Intervention Study With Children at Risk for Dyslexia.. Journal of Educational Psychology 96:4  pp. 660 ff. DOI logo

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