This special issue is about indirect translation (ITr). To counter the traditional disinterest of Translation Studies in
researching ITr, it explores and showcases what research on the topic can do for our discipline as a whole. This introductory article
prepares the ground for and provides an overview of what is discussed in the seven articles included in the special issue. Before
introducing the contributions to this issue, we briefly explain the terminology and definitions used throughout this issue. In the spirit of
transparency, and making this special issue useful to everyone in Translation Studies, this introduction also devotes space to discussing
how this issue came into being, sharing some of the lessons learnt through guest editing.
Article outline
1.Terms and definitions
2.How this special issue came into being
2.1Why this topic?
2.1.1Historical and present-day importance
2.1.2Promising future
2.1.3Scarcity of research
2.1.4Dismissal of ITr
2.2Why this journal and these articles?
3.What can we learn from this special issue?
3.1Critical summary of individual articles
3.2Lessons about the relevance of ITr research for Translation Studies
3.2.1Challenging established concepts and common assumptions
3.2.2Enhacing intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogues
Aleksandrowicz, Paweł. 2022. “Translating
the Translated: The Applicability of Translated Literary Texts to the Subtitling of Their Film
Adaptations.” In Latest Trends in Audiovisual
Translation, edited by Roberto Valdeón, special
of Perspectives 30 (3): 471–486.
Allwood, Anja. 2021. “(Semi)Peripheries
in Contact: Indirect Translation of Novels into Swedish
2000–2015.” STRIDON 1 (1), 57–77.
Alvstad, Cecilia. 2017. “Arguing
for Indirect Translations in Twenty-First-Century
Scandinavia.” In Assis Rosa, Pięta, and Bueno Maia (2017a, 150–165).
Assis Rosa, Alexandra, Hanna Pięta, and Rita Bueno Maia, eds. 2017a. Indirect
Translation: Theoretical, Methodological and Terminological Issues, special issue
of Translation
Studies 10 (2).
Assis Rosa, Alexandra, Hanna Pięta, and Rita Bueno Maia. 2017b. “Theoretical,
Methodological and Terminological Issues Regarding Indirect Translation: An
Overview.” In Assis Rosa, Pięta, and Bueno Maia (2017a, 113–132).
Branchadell, Albert. 2011. “Minority
Language and Translation.” In Handbook of Translation Studies
Online, edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Bueno Maia, Rita, Hanna Pięta, and Alexandra Assis Rosa. 2018. “Translation
and Adjacent Concepts.” In A History of Modern Translation Knowledge:
Sources, Concepts, and Effects, edited by Lieven D’Hulst and Yves Gambier, 75–84. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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Chouc, Fanny, and José María Conde. 2018. “Relay
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Gambier, Yves. 1994. “La retraduction, retour et détour [Retranslation, return and
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Gambier, Yves. 2003. “Working
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Tongues: Language Across Contexts and Users, edited by Luis Pérez González, 47–66. València: Universitat de València.
Georgakopoulou, Panayota. 2003. Redundancy
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diss. University of Surrey.
Gökce Vaz de Carvalho, İmren. 2021. “Translation
of Forms of Address from Portuguese to Turkish through English: The Case of José Saramago’s A Jangada De
Pedra.” STRIDON 1 (2): 65–86.
Graeber, Wilhelm, and Geneviève Roche. 1988. Englische Literatur des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts in französischer Übersetzung und deutscher
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translation]. Tübingen: Niemayer.
Haroon, Haslina. 2022. “Indirect
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Malay.” 3L Language, Linguistics,
Literature 28 (1): 167–180.
Heilbron, Johan. 2010. “Structure
and Dynamics of the World System of Translation.” Paper Presented at
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Ji, Meng. 2021. “Translation
and Social Practices.” In The Oxford Handbook of Translation and
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Marín-Lacarta, Maialen. 2012. Mediación, recepción y marginalidad: las traducciones de literatura china moderna y contemporánea en
España [Mediation, reception and marginality: Translations of modern and
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diss. INALCO.
Marin-Lacarta, Maialen. 2017. “Indirectness
in Literary Translation: Methodological Possibilities.” In Assis Rosa, Pięta, and Bueno Maia (2017a, 133–149).
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Peng, Wenqing. 2022. “Video
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Translator 28 (1): 95–111.
Pięta, Hanna. 2017. “Theoretical,
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Bibliography.” In Assis Rosa, Pięta, and Bueno Maia (2017a, 198–216).
Pięta, Hanna. 2021. “Indirect
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Studies, vol. 51, edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer, 113–119. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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Pym, Anthony, and Ester Torres-Simón. 2021. “Is
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issue of International Journal of the Sociology of
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Pym, Anthony. 2011. “Translation
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Tardel, Anke. 2021. “Measuring
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Language.” In Explorations in Empirical Translation Process
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Torres-Simón, Ester, Hanna Pięta, Rita Bueno Maia, and Catarina Xavier. 2021. “Indirect
Translation in Translator Training: Taking Stock and Looking
Ahead.” In Languages of Low Diffusion and Low Resources: Translation
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 29 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.