Publications received published In:
Vol. 21:1 (2009) ► pp.187188
Victòria Alsina Llengua i estilística en la narrativa de Jane Austen . Vic : Eumo Editorial , 2008 . 311 pp. ISBN 978-84-9766-225-3 . [ Biblioteca de Traducció I Interpretació
Jean Andersen , ed. Been There, Read That! Stories for the Armchair Traveller . Wellington : Victoria University Press , 2008 . 240 pp. ISBN 978-0-86473-572-0 . NZD 30 .
Paul F. Bandia Translation as Reparation. Writing and Translation in Postcolonial Africa . Manchester & Kinderhook : St. Jerome Publishing , 2007 . x + 270 pp. ISBN 978-1-905763-06-1 . £22.50
Rose Marie Caruana . Translating Reality . Malta : Malta University Publishers , 2007 . xiv + 122 pp. ISBN 978-99909-44-35-8 .
Pedro J. Chamizo-Dominguez Semantics and Pragmatics of False Friends . London and New York : Routledge , 2008 . xiv + 186 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-95720-5 . [ Routledge Studies in Linguistics Series, 7. ]
Delia Chiaro , Christine Heiss & Chiara Bucaria , eds. Between Text and Image. Updating research in screen translation . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2008 . x + 292 pp. ISBN 978-90-272-1687-8 . 99 €, 149 USD . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 78. ]
Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin , Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin & David Parris , eds. Translation and Censorhip. Patterns of Communication and Interference . Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2009 . 256 pp. ISBN 978-1-84682-143-1 . £45
Ian Craig & Jario Sánchez . A Translation Manual for the Caribbean (English-Spanish) / Un Manual de Traducción para el Caribe (Inglés-Español . Jamaica-Barbados-Trinidad and Tobago : University of the West Indies Press , 2007 . xvi + 191 pp. ISBN 978-976-640-196-2 . £19.58
Jorge Díaz Cintas & Aline Remael . Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling . Manchester & Kinderhook : St. Jerome Publishing , 2007 . xii + 272 pp. + DVD . ISBN 978-1900650-95-3 . £22.50 [ Translation Practices Explained, 11. ]
Jorge Díaz Cintas & Gunilla Anderman , eds. Audiovisual Translation. Language Transfer on Screen . Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan , 2009 . xiv + 256 pp. ISBN 978-0-230-01996-6 . £50
Barbara Folkart . Second Finding. A poetics of translaton . Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press , 2007 . xxiv + 562 pp. ISBN 978-0-7766-0628-6 . 40 CAD, USD 40 .
Sandra Beatriz Hale . Community Interpreting . Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan , 2007 . xvi + 301 pp. ISBN 978-1-4039-4069-8 . £19.99 [ Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics. ]
Theo Hermans . The Conference of the Tongues . Manchester & Kinderhook : St. Jerome Publishing , 2007 . xii + 181 pp. ISBN 978-1-905763-05-4 . £22.50
Sigrid Kupsch-Losereit . Vom Ausgangstext zum Zieltext. Eine Wegbeschreibung translatorischen Handelns . Berlin : SAXA Verlag , 2008 . 233 pp. ISBN 978-3-939060-13-0 . €32.50 . [ Translationswissenschaftliche Bibliothek, 1. ]
Paul Kußmaul . Verstehen und Übersetzen. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch . Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , 2007 . 218 pp. ISBN 978-2-8233-6350-7 . €19.90 [ Narr Studienbücher. ]
Francisco Lafarga , Pedro S. Méndez & Alfonso Saura , eds. Literatura de viajes y traducción . Granada : Editorial Comares , 2008 . viii + 432 pp. ISBN 978-84-9836-308-1 . [ Interlingua, 67. ]
Raja Lahiani . Eastern Luminaries Disclosed to Western Eyes. A Critical Evaluation of the Translations of the Mu΄allaqāt into English and French (1782–2000) . Oxford-Bern-Berlin-Bruxelles-Frankfurt am Main-New York-Wien : Peter Lang , 2008 . 361 pp. ISBN 978-3-03911014-8 . €56 .
Terje Loogus . Kultur im Spannungsfeld translatorischer Entscheidungen. Probleme und Konflikte . Berlin : SAXA Verlag , 2008 . 299 pp. ISBN 978-3-939060-14-7 . €35 . [ SAXA. Beiträge zur Translationswissenschaft, 3. ]
Denise Merkle , Jane Koustas , Glen Nichols & Sherry Simon , eds. Traduire depuis les marges / Translating from the Margins . Québec : Éditions Nota bene , 2008 . 414 pp. ISBN 978-289518-281-8 . [ Terre américaine. ]
Jeremy Munday . Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and applications . Second Edition . London—New York : Routledge , 2008 . xvi + 236 pp. ISBN 0-415-39694-8 . £65 .
Wolfgang Pöckl & Michael Schreiber (Hrsg.) . Geschichte und Gegenwaert der Übersetzung im französischen Sprachraum . Frankfurt am Main-Berlin-Bern-Bruxelles-New York-Oxford-Wien : Peter Lang Verlag , 2008 . 200 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-57103-3 . €36.4 .
Erich Prunč . Entwicklungslinien der Translationswissenschaft. Von den Asymmetrien der Sprachen zu den Asymmetrien der Macht . Berlin : Frank & Timme , 2007 . 438 pp. ISBN 978-3-86596146-4 . €39.8 [ TransÜD, 14. ]
Anthony Pym , Miriam Shlesinger & Daniel Simeoni , eds. Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies. Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2007 . xii + 417 pp. ISBN 978-90-272-1684-7 . €110,USD149 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 75. ]
Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar . The Politics and Poetics of Translation in Turkey, 1923–1960 . Amster-dam-New York, NY : Rodopi , 2008 . 331 pp. ISBN 978-90-420-2329-1 . €66 . [ Approaches to Translation Studies, 31. ]
Kumiko Torikai . Voices of the Invisible Presence. Diplomatic interpreters in post-World War II Japan . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2009 . x + 197 pp. ISBN 978-90-272-2427-9 . €85, USD128 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 83. ]
Carmen Valero-Garcés & Anne Martin , eds. Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting. Definitions and dilemmas . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2008 . xii + 291 pp. ISBN 978-90-272-1685-4 . €105, USD158 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 76. ]
Richard Trim & Sophie Alatorre , eds. Through Other Eyes: The Translation of Anglophone Literature in Europe . Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2007 . xii + 188 pp. ISBN 1-84718-325-5 . £29.99, USD59.99 .
Gisella Vorderobermeier & Michaela Wolf , eds. “Meine Sprache grenzt mich ab…” Transkulturalität und kulturelle Übersetzung im Kontext von Migration . Münster : LIT , 2008 . 312 pp. ISBN 978-3-8258-1294-2 . €24.90 . [ Representation—Transformation. Translating across Cultures and Societies. ]
Michaela Wolf , ed. Übersetzen—Translating—Traduire: Towards a “social turn”? . MünsterHamburg-Berlin-Wien-London : LIT-Verlag , 2006 . 368 pp. ISBN 3-8258-9552-1 . €24.90 [ Repräsentation—Transformation. Translating across Cultures and Societies. ]