Within translation studies, there remains a certain amount of unnecessary discord concerning the use of the equivalence concept and its relevance for translation theory. In the interest of better understanding the various points of view, it seems helpful to consider different perspectives on this concept in light of the varying philosophical assumptions on which they are based. Analogies between the equivalence concept and a concept of scientific knowledge as it is and has been studied within the philosophy of science are highly informative in pointing out the philosophical issues involved in equivalence, translation, and knowledge. Rather than dismissing the concept as ill-defined or imprecise, it is in the interest of the field of translation studies to consider the origins and manifestations of this 'imprecision ' in order that we may be better informed and less inclined towards theoretical antagonism.
Article outline
2.The Concept of Equivalence
2.1.Non-Specific Definitions of the Concept
2.2.Equivalence as a Mathematical or Logical Relation
3.The Concept in Translation Studies: The Status of the Equivalence Concept and Its Explication
3.1.The "Science of Translation": The Dual Status of "Equivalence"
3.2.The Historical-Descriptive Approach: Displacement of the Equivalence Concept
3.3.Status quo
4.Conceptual Status and Presuppositions: Equivalence and Scientific Knowledge
4.1.Essentialism and Empiricism
4.2Historical-Descriptive Approaches: Kuhn and Feyerabend
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