The second language planning literature has been mainly quantitative in nature, with very few qualitative investigations of planning (but see Ortega 2005). This chapter tries to redress that imbalance and reports on a study of what second language learners say they do when they plan. Participants were from a university in Macao, and completed a narrative task, followed by retrospective interviews. The interview data was coded, and a coding scheme emerged from this work which had some affinity to the Levelt (1989) model of speaking. As a result, this may be of use in other contexts. In addition, relationships between the self-reported planning behaviours and actual performance on the task were explored. This suggested some generalizations as to what planning behaviours are associated with higher performance, and, interestingly, which are associated with lower performance. The former tend to implicate the Conceptualiser stage of speech production and are specific and limited in range, whereas the latter are frequently concerned with over-ambition during the planning stage, a concern for form, and participants attempting to do too much.
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Mehnert, U. (1998). The effects of different lengths of time for planning on second language discourse. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20, 52–83.
Michel, M.C., F.Kuiken, & Vedder, I. (2007). Effects of task complexity and task condition on Dutch L2. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 45(3), 241–259.
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Ortega L. (1999). Planning and focus on form in L2 oral performance. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21, 109–148.
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Robinson P. (2001). Task complexity, task difficulty, and task production: Exploring interactions in a componential framework. Applied Linguistics, 22, 27–57.
Skehan, P. (2009a). Modeling second language performance: Integrating complexity, accuracy, fluency and lexis. Applied Linguistics, 30(4), 510–532.
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Ryan, Jonathon, Pauline Foster, Anthea Fester, Yi Wang, Jenny Field, Celine Kearney & Jia Rong Yap
2023. First Language Literacy and Second Language Oracy: A Partial Replication of Foster and Skehan (1996). Language Learning 73:4 ► pp. 1003 ff.
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Qin, Jie & Yan Zhang
2022. Pre-task planning and discourse cohesion: Analysis of Chinese EFL learners’ referential use in oral narratives. Language Teaching Research 26:1 ► pp. 60 ff.
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2018. Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency. In The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, ► pp. 1 ff.
Bui, Gavin, Peter Skehan & Zhan Wang
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2021. The Effects of Pre-Task Planning on Second Language Writing: A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 44:2 ► pp. 131 ff.
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2023. Linking second language speaking task performance and language testing. Language Teaching► pp. 1 ff.
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