In this chapter, we examine the properties of
filler syllables as transition forms in the development of referring
expressions. In particular, we hypothesize that fillers are
precursors of referring expressions. We focus on the distribution,
the phonological form and the referential function of fillers in
prenominal and/or preverbal positions, in comparison to others forms
in these positions. Results show that first, the substantial
presence of fillers does not lie in lexical factors, and that they
are used in combination with other prelexical forms. Second, their
variable realizations are not due to a phonological deficit, and
they also exhibit paradigmatic patterning with the use of specific
consonants. Fillers also share some of the functional
characteristics of grammatical units, since their distribution and
presence suggest that they play a role in the construction of the
verbal and nominal categories. Moreover, in the preverbal position,
children’s use of fillers varies according to the topic of the
utterance. In conclusion, filler syllables exhibit the formal and
functional characteristics of a transitional category and an
adult-like paradigm of referring expressions at the same time, and
should be studied as such.
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da Silva-Genest, Christine, Haydée Marcos, Anne Salazar-Orvig, Stéphanie Caët & Julien Heurdier
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