Twenty-four dialogues between French-speaking
children aged 1;10 to 2;6 and their more competent interlocutors
were analyzed from the point of view of (1) the uses of referring
expressions by both children and their interlocutors, according to
the attentional and discursive status of the referent, (2) the
immediate effect of the interlocutor’s discourse on the choice of a
referring expression; and (3) the dialogical relations of referring
expressions. The main results confirmed the similarity of adults’
and children’s uses of third-person pronouns and showed that
maintaining continuity in dialogue overrode the influence of forms
in the interlocutor’s discourse. Finally, a qualitative analysis
highlighted the role of formats and more generally, patterns of
dialogue in the language developmental process.
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Le Mené, Marine, Anne Salazar-Orvig, Christine da Silva-Genest & Haydée Marcos
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