List of Figures
2.1Distribution (in percentage) of target forms and fillers in the prenominal and preverbal positions by age in months for two longitudinal follow-ups55
2.2Types of consonants in prenominal forms where le or la (‘the’) was expected (Adrien)59
2.3Types of consonants in prenominal forms where le or la (‘the’) was expected (Madeleine)59
2.4Types of consonants in preverbal forms where je (‘I’) was expected (Adrien)60
2.5Types of consonants in preverbal forms where je (‘I’) was expected (Madeleine)60
2.6Distribution (in percentage) of the different types of forms in preverbal position, by type of referent70
2.7Distribution (in percentage) of the different types of forms in the preverbal position, by type of referent, for verbs produced both in utterances referring to the self and in ones referring to entities in the same session71
3.1Binary partition tree for referring uses of nouns96
3.2Binary partition tree for strong demonstrative pronouns98
3.3Binary partition tree for strong personal pronouns99
3.4Binary partition tree for clitic personal pronouns101
3.5Binary partition tree for fillers103
3.6Binary partition tree for null forms105
4.1Binary partition tree for clitic and strong third-person pronouns128
4.2Binary partition tree for nouns131
5.1Binary partition tree for clitic pronouns, by position in the referential chain, syntactic function, and population152
7.1Binary partition tree for third-person pronouns for discourse-given referents218
7.2Binary partition tree for nouns for discourse-given referents219
7.3Binary partition tree for strong demonstrative pronouns for discourse-given referents219
9.1Binary partition tree for nouns278
10.1Binary partition tree for third-person pronouns in the toddler corpus302
10.2Binary partition tree for nouns in the toddler corpus302
10.3Binary partition tree for clitic demonstrative pronouns in the toddler corpus303
10.4Binary partition tree for strong demonstrative pronouns in the toddler corpus303
10.5Binary partition tree for strong demonstrative pronouns in narrative sequences307
10.6Binary partition tree for clitic demonstrative pronouns in narrative sequences307
10.7Binary partition tree for nouns in narrative sequences308
10.8Binary partition tree for third-person pronouns in narrative sequences308