German children seem to acquire plural marking with apparent ease, although plural is encoded by several allomorphs with different degrees of predictability. Data from a dense database of a boy between age 2;0 and 2;5 show that all plural allomorphs are abstracted early and are used for overgeneralization. This study looks specifically at the highly frequent overgeneralization of the affix -n. Errors with -n result in the most prototypical plural schema: a bisyllabic noun ending in -n. The hypothesis that the child cuts back on -s errors when he acquires the homophonous case marker for dative plurals could not be confirmed, as the dative plural does not seem to be acquired in this period.
Keywords: German; allomorphy; Noun Phrase
2024. Processing of Plural Marking in Nouns by German-Speaking Children With Normal Hearing and Children With Cochlear Implants: An Eye-Tracking Study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 67:3 ► pp. 853 ff.
2015. A Constructivist Account of Child Language Acquisition. In The Handbook of Language Emergence, ► pp. 478 ff.
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