A connected history of audiovisual translation
Elements for consideration
Why do we need a history of audiovisual translation? The elements of such a history cannot be tackled without any
context, especially outside of a history of cinema, understood both as an art made of techniques and a business. And what kind of
history do we need? We try here to define the conditions and resources for a connected and comparative history and deal with a few
methodological challenges.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.120 years of innovation
- 2.1100-year anniversary
- 2.2From technically analogue to digital
- 3.The rapid emergence of cinema as an art and an industry
- 3.1An international popular art
- 3.2Options and policies for AVT
- 3.3Questions of history
- 4.Correlating technical innovations and AVT for a connected history
- 4.11895 – around 1930: Cinema is neither mute nor silent
- 4.2The transition to the talkies
- 4.3Strategies for coping with languages
- 5.Methodological challenges
- 5.1Direct and indirect sources of information
- 5.2Archives and databases
- 5.3Electronic corpora
- 5.4Oral history
- 6.Concluding remarks
- Notes
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