Physiological instruments meet mixed methods in Media Accessibility
Mixed methods have an established trajectory in the social sciences. Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility (MA) Studies are also increasingly applying the “third research paradigm” (
Johnson et al., 2007, 112). Yet, publications in our field often fail to discuss the mixed-method nature of the study in depth, be it because of space limitations or a lack of deliberate integration of the methods. Concurrently, MA has seen a boom in experimental research, as descriptive approaches have given way to reception and user-centred studies that engage in the cognitive processes and immersion of audiences (
Orero et al. 2018). This article proposes a methodological basis for MA researchers to design studies employing physiological instruments within a mixed methods framework. The core mixed methods designs (convergent, explanatory, and exploratory) are presented, and examples of their applications to research employing physiological instruments are discussed.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Core mixed methods designs
- 3.Physiological instruments in Media Accessibility: A literature review
- 4.Mixed methods in Media Accessibility
- 4.1Implicit mixed methods
- 4.2Explicit mixed methods
- 5.Adapting mixed methods designs to experimental research with physiological instruments
- 6.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
This article is available free of charge.
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