Chapter 7
Between verb and noun
Exploration into the domain of nonverbal predication in Ecuadorian Secoya
This article describes nonverbal predication in Ecuadorian Secoya, an underdescribed West Tukanoan language. The repertoire includes a particle copula with restricted verbal features, a locative-existential copula verb which fulfills an auxiliary function with verbal and nonverbal predicates, and two derived nominals with special possessive semantics. The latter occur in insubordinate copula constructions or are supported by copula verbs in auxiliary function. Other copula constructions draw on subordination patterns with dependent verbs and nominalizations as well.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Verb inflection, insubordination, and nominalization
- 3.Predicative means in nonverbal predication
- 3.1Particle copula -a-
- 3.1.1Use of the particle copula with underived and derived nouns
- 3.1.2Functions of the particle copula construction with participles
- 3.1.3Irregularities
- 3.2Locative-existential copula verb p̰aɁi-
- 3.3Affiliation participle a-
- 3.4Attributive participle kɨ’i-
- 4.Concluding remarks
Glosses and abbreviations
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