Chapter 14
Clausal nominalization in Kakataibo (Panoan)
This paper describes the meaning, functions and structure of grammatical nominalizations in two dialects of Kakataibo, a Panoan language spoken in the Peruvian Amazon basin. Grammatical nominalization is a pervasive feature of Kakataibo connected speech, which is explained by the wide array of functions they are used for, which include relativization and complementation. In terms of their morphosyntax, grammatical nominalizations show a mixed behavior in that they combine internal clausal properties with external nominal features. These synchronic properties shed some light into the historical development of some of the switch-reference suffixes in the language.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The Kakataibo language and its dialects
- 3.Grammatical nominalizations
- 3.1Markers
- 3.1.1Nominalizer -kë
- 3.1.2Future nominalizer -ti
- 3.1.3Remote past nominalizer -a
- 3.1.4-tibu ‘present habitual nominalizer’
- 3.1.5-ai ‘present non-habitual nominalizer’
- 3.2Argument and event-nominalizations
- 3.3Structure of grammatical nominalizations
- 3.3.1Internal syntax
- 3.3.2External syntax
- 3.4Functions of grammatical nominalizations
- 3.4.1Relativization
- 3.4.2Complementation
- 3.4.3Verb modification (adverbial function)
- 3.4.4Stand-alone nominalizations
- 4.Some notes on the historical relationship between nominalizers and switch-reference suffixes
- Conclusions
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