Chapter 15
Nominalization and switch-reference in Iskonawa (Panoan, Peru)
The present chapter presents a characterization of grammatical nominalizations in Iskonawa, an obsolescing language in the Panoan family. It is shown here that grammatical nominalizations are highly isomorphic with independent (non-nominalized) clauses in terms of their internal syntax, but that the external syntax of nominalizations is highly nominal. A characterization of their relativization function is also offered, showing that the type of relativizing construction in which a grammatical nominalization may appear is highly dependent upon the participant with which it is coreferential. Finally, a discussion of switch-reference and its interactions with nominalization is presented, arguing that the situation found in Iskonawa, which has a relatively small inventory of switch-reference makers, is crucial for understanding the development of the category in the family.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The Iskonawa language and its speakers
- 3.Nominalization in Iskonawa
- 3.1Internal syntax and extreme isomorphism with independent clauses
- 3.2External syntax of grammatical nominalizations
- 3.3Adpositions and the relativization function of grammatical nominalizations
- 4.Nominalization and switch-reference
- 4.1The switch-reference function of grammatical nominalizations
- 4.2Nominalization and switch-reference in diachronic perspective
- 5.Conclusions
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