Part of
Approaches to Grammaticalization: Volume I. Theoretical and methodological issues
Edited by Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Bernd Heine
[Typological Studies in Language 19:1] 1991
► pp. 189218
Cited by (142)

Cited by 142 other publications

Gandon, Francis
2024. La dualité faillir/falloir à l’aune de la grammaticalisation et du changement de sens selon Meillet : complexité, rupture, affaiblissement du sens. Langages N° 233:1  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Tan, Tamisha L.
2024. The morphosyntax of Gothic preverb compounds: incorporation and applicativisation. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 27:1 DOI logo
Wu, Qiong
2024. Alethic modality is deontic. Mind & Language 39:4  pp. 561 ff. DOI logo
Delicado Cantero, Manuel & Patrícia Amaral
2023. Marching towards Contrast: The Case of ao passo que in Portuguese. Languages 9:1  pp. 6 ff. DOI logo
Eberhardt, Ira & Katrin Axel-Tober
2023. Chapter 10. On the divergent developments of two German causal subjunctions. In Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses [Studies in Language Companion Series, 231],  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
Giannaris, Thanasis
2023. The Development of the Copular Participial Periphrases in Ancient Greek: Evidence for Syntactic Change and Reconstruction. In Internal and External Causes of Language Change,  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
2023. Usage‐Based Approaches to Semantic Change. In The Handbook of Usage‐Based Linguistics,  pp. 435 ff. DOI logo
Matsumoto, Daiki
2023. Social evolution and commitment: Bridging the gap between formal linguistic theories and language evolution research. Biolinguistics 17 DOI logo
Sawada, Osamu
2023. Scalarity of the Japanese initial mora-based minimizer: a compositional (lexically unspecified) minimizer and a non-compositional (lexically specified) minimizer. Natural Language Semantics 31:2-3  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Abouda, Lotfi
2022. L’émergence du marqueur méta-discursif du coup  : de la conséquence à l’actualisation énonciative. Langages N° 226:2  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth
2022. Intonation and clause combining in discourse. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
Detges, Ulrich
2022. Implikaturen und Inferenzen. In Linguistik im Sprachvergleich,  pp. 543 ff. DOI logo
Garachana Camarero, Mar, Sandra Montserrat Buendia & Claus Dieter Pusch
2022. From verbal periphrases to complex predicates. In From Verbal Periphrases to Complex Predicates [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 31],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gemicioglu, Sarah Feryal
Günthner, Susanne
2022. From subordination to coordination? verb-second position in German causal and concessive constructions. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 323 ff. DOI logo
Shyldkrot, Hava Bat-Zeev & Einat Kuzai
2022. Life and Death Expressions in Hebrew Through Time. In Developing Language and Literacy [Literacy Studies, 23],  pp. 703 ff. DOI logo
Zhan, Fangqiong
2022. A constructional account of the development of the Chinese stance discourse markerběnlái. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 23:2  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Yuan
2022. Negation and underlying spatial cognition: The evolution of Chinesemei(you) as a case study. Australian Journal of Linguistics 42:3-4  pp. 323 ff. DOI logo
Al-Shawashreh, Ekab, Marwan Jarrah & Malek J. Zuraikat
2021. The functions of the verb ‘to say’ in the Jordanian Arabic dialect of Irbid. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 57:2  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
2021. ‘The moustache’ returns: referential metonymy acquisition in adult learners of English as an additional language (EAL). Language and Cognition 13:2  pp. 254 ff. DOI logo
Childs, Claire
2021. Mechanisms of Grammaticalization in the Variation of Negative Question Tags. Journal of English Linguistics 49:4  pp. 419 ff. DOI logo
Martínez Martínez, Caterina
2021. Baldament en el Curial e Güelfa. In La «cavalleria umanistica» italiana / The Italian “Humanistic Chivalry” [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 29], DOI logo
Rhee, Seongha & Hyun Jung Koo
Rosemeyer, Malte & Eitan Grossman
2021. Why don’t grammaticalization pathways always recur?. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17:3  pp. 653 ff. DOI logo
金, 叶
2021. The Semantic Change and Mechanism of Change for the Spatial Word Shang (上) in Archaic Chinese. Modern Linguistics 09:05  pp. 1174 ff. DOI logo
Badan, Linda
2020. Italian Discourse Markers: The Case ofGuarda te*. Studia Linguistica 74:2  pp. 303 ff. DOI logo
Buerki, Andreas
2020. Formulaic Language and Linguistic Change, DOI logo
Dekalo, Volodymyr
2020. Zur Entwicklung der modalenverstehen-Konstruktion: Ein Konservierungseffekt im Zuge der Auxiliarisierung. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 48:1  pp. 101 ff. DOI logo
Dekalo, Volodymyr
Etebari, Zahra, Ali Alizadeh, Mehrdad Naghzguy-Kohan & Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm
2020. Development of contrastive-partitive in colloquial Persian. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:4  pp. 575 ff. DOI logo
Garachana, Mar & María Sol Sansiñena
2020.  Va a ser que no . Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Gillmann, Melitta
2020. Da eine oder mehrere betroffen …. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 48:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Gillmann, Melitta
2021. Analogy as driving force of language change: a usage-based approach towoanddaclauses in 17th and 18th century German. Cognitive Linguistics 32:3  pp. 421 ff. DOI logo
Khan, Geoffrey
2020. Contact and change in Neo-Aramaic dialects. In Historical Linguistics 2017 [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 350],  pp. 388 ff. DOI logo
Lai, Yik-Po
Melis, Chantal
2020. Form and meaning in the development of verbal polysemy. In Changes in Meaning and Function [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 25],  pp. 174 ff. DOI logo
Nieuwenhuijsen, Dorien
2020. Something seems to have changed. In Changes in Meaning and Function [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 25],  pp. 196 ff. DOI logo
Parussa, Gabriella
2020. Dea, dia, da  : un marqueur discursif en diachronie dans un corpus de dialogues en français. Langages N° 217:1  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Scivoletto, Giulio
2020. Semasiological cyclicity in the evolution of discourse markers. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21:2  pp. 236 ff. DOI logo
Wong, May L-Y
2020. Mechanisms of semantic change. Asian Languages and Linguistics 1:2  pp. 251 ff. DOI logo
Cappelle, Bert, Ilse Depraetere & Mégane Lesuisse
2019. The necessity modalshave to,must,need to, andshould. Constructions and Frames 11:2  pp. 220 ff. DOI logo
Chen, Jun & Dawei Jin
2019. Chapter 23. Meaning change from superlatives to definite descriptions. In Historical Linguistics 2015 [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 348],  pp. 480 ff. DOI logo
Chung, Siaw-Fong
2019.  Lagi in Standard Malaysian Malay. Concentric. Studies in Linguistics 45:1  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
Hualde, José Ignacio & Manuel Pérez
2019. Denboratik kausara: -nez gero kausazko lokailuaren garapenaz. Fontes Linguae Vasconum :127  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Medea-García, Lucía
2019. <em>Ḥattā</em> a lo largo de los siglos: origen e historia de esta partícula en árabe clásico. Al-Qanṭara 39:2  pp. 503 ff. DOI logo
Pinto de Lima, José
2019. On grammaticalized complex prepositions in Portuguese. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 54:1  pp. 126 ff. DOI logo
Breban, Tine & Sylvie Hancil
2018. Introduction. In New Trends in Grammaticalization and Language Change [Studies in Language Companion Series, 202],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Garachana, Mar
2018. From Movement to Grammar: Spanish Verbal Periphrases Derived from Verbs of Movement. Syntaxe & Sémantique N° 19:1  pp. 115 ff. DOI logo
Martín Arista, Javier & Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
2018. Grammaticalization and deflexion in progress. The past participle in the Old English passive. Studia Neophilologica 90:2  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Medadian, Gholamreza & Dariush Nejadansari Mahabadi
2018. A More Explicit Framework for Evaluating Objectivity and (Inter)Subjectivity in Modality Domain. Research in Language 16:1  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
Motinyane, Mantoa
2018. A textual analysis of the African language expressions used during the #RhodesMustFall campaign. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 36:1  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Nykiel, Jerzy
2018. Onmang Þæt – Incipient Grammaticalisation in Old and Middle English. Transactions of the Philological Society 116:3  pp. 574 ff. DOI logo
Ahn, Mikyung & Foong Ha Yap
2017. From middle to passive. Diachronica 34:4  pp. 437 ff. DOI logo
Allott, Nicholas & Mark Textor
2017. Lexical Modulation without Concepts. Dialectica 71:3  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
Brinton, Laurel J. & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
2017. Non-syntactic Sources and Triggers of Syntactic Change. In The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax,  pp. 556 ff. DOI logo
Charolles, Michel, Sascha Diwersy & Denis Vigier
2017. Évolution des emplois des marqueurs de topiques de discours dans Le Figaro  de la fin du xix e et du début du xxi e siècles. Langages N° 206:2  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Corr, Alice
2017. The grammaticalization of epistemicity in Ibero-Romance. Journal of Historical Linguistics 7:1-2  pp. 48 ff. DOI logo
Mazzon, Gabriella
2017. Chapter 10. Paths of development of English DMs. In Pragmatic Markers, Discourse Markers and Modal Particles [Studies in Language Companion Series, 186],  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
Mohamed, Emad
2017. Ara⁠ʾaytum: The Exegetical Implications of a Qurʾānic Stance Marker. Al-Bayān – Journal of Qurʾān and Ḥadīth Studies 15:2  pp. 170 ff. DOI logo
Ahn, Mikyung
2016. Emotion in interaction. Studies in Language 40:4  pp. 872 ff. DOI logo
Blackwell, Sarah E.
2016. Porque in Spanish Oral Narratives: Semantic Porque, (Meta)Pragmatic Porque or Both?. In Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society [Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 4],  pp. 615 ff. DOI logo
Breban, Tine & Caroline Gentens
2016. Multipleshifts. Functions of Language 23:1  pp. 40 ff. DOI logo
Gentens, Caroline, Ditte Kimps, Kristin Davidse, Gilles Jacobs, An Van linden & Lieselotte Brems
2016. Mirativity and rhetorical structure. In Outside the Clause [Studies in Language Companion Series, 178],  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
Krawczak, Karolina
2016. Objectivity, subjectivity and intersubjectivity. Functions of Language 23:2  pp. 179 ff. DOI logo
2016. Form does not follow function, but variation does: the origin and early usage of possessive havegot in English. English Language and Linguistics 20:3  pp. 487 ff. DOI logo
Ariel, Mira, Elitzur Dattner, John W. Du Bois & Tal Linzen
2015. Pronominal datives. Studies in Language 39:2  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
2015. L'évolution sémantique des verbes modaux: hypothèses à partir des emplois dedevoiretpouvoiren français moderne et médiéval. Journal of French Language Studies 25:2  pp. 213 ff. DOI logo
Burridge, Kate
2015. Chapter 3. The body, the universe, society and language. In Language Structure and Environment [Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts, 6],  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Canakis, Costas
2015. Non-quantifyinglíγoconstructions in Modern Greek. Constructions and Frames 7:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Deo, Ashwini
2015. Diachronic Semantics. Annual Review of Linguistics 1:1  pp. 179 ff. DOI logo
González, Montserrat
2015. From truth-attesting to intensification: The grammaticalization of Spanish la verdad and Catalan la veritat. Discourse Studies 17:2  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
König, Ekkehard
2015. Manner deixis as source of grammatical markers in Indo-European languages. In Perspectives on Historical Syntax [Studies in Language Companion Series, 169],  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Interpreting 都 to 1 TO in earlier Southern Min texts. Lingua Sinica 1:1 DOI logo
Liu, Mei-chun & Jui-ching Chang
2015. Semantic Profile as a Source of Polysemy: Insight from the Spatial-Configuration Verb fàng in Mandarin. In Chinese Lexical Semantics [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9332],  pp. 24 ff. DOI logo
Neels, Jakob
2015. The history of the quasi-auxiliaryuse(d)to. Journal of Historical Linguistics 5:2  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Rawoens, Gudrun
2015. The Swedish connective så att ‘so that’. In New Directions in Grammaticalization Research [Studies in Language Companion Series, 166],  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Sommerer, Lotte
2015. The influence of constructions in grammaticalization. In Diachronic Construction Grammar [Constructional Approaches to Language, 18],  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
Visconti, Jaqueline
2015. La diacronia di anzi: considerazioni teoriche, dati e prime ipotesi. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana 22  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Viti, Carlotta
2015. Historical syntax. In Perspectives on Historical Syntax [Studies in Language Companion Series, 169],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2015. Languages adapt to their contextual niche. Language and Cognition 7:3  pp. 415 ff. DOI logo
Casad, Eugene H.
2014. Obliques: Some that are, and some that aren’t*. In Non-Nuclear Cases,  pp. 21 ff. DOI logo
De Smet, Hendrik
2014. Does innovation need reanalysis?. In Usage-Based Approaches to Language Change [Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 69],  pp. 23 ff. DOI logo
De Smet, Hendrik
2015. Participle clauses between adverbial and complement. <i>WORD</i> 61:1  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Gipper, Sonja
2014. From inferential to mirative. In Usage-Based Approaches to Language Change [Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 69],  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Matlock, Teenie, Spencer C. Castro, Morgan Fleming, Timothy M. Gann & Paul P. Maglio
2014. Spatial Metaphors of Web Use. Spatial Cognition & Computation 14:4  pp. 306 ff. DOI logo
Tanghe, Sanne & Marlies Jansegers
2014. Marcadores del discurso derivados de los verbos de percepción. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 49:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Van Rompae, Tine & Kristin Davidse
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2013. Expressive compounds in German. Word Structure 6:1  pp. 21 ff. DOI logo
Tanghe, Sanne
2013. El cómo y el porqué de las interjecciones derivadas de los verbos de movimiento. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 129:2  pp. 383 ff. DOI logo
Van Olmen, Daniël
2013. Review of Panther & Radden (2011): Motivation in Grammar and the Lexicon. Functions of Language 20:1  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
2013. Subjectivity, indefiniteness and semantic change. English Language and Linguistics 17:1  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
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2013. From Deixis to Grammar: The Case of the Element 'Ta' in Arabic. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Levey, Stephen
2012. General Extenders and Grammaticalization: Insights from London Preadolescents. Applied Linguistics 33:3  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
Garachana Camarero, Mar & Malte Rosemeyer
2011. Rutinas léxicas en el cambio gramatical. El caso de las perífrasis deónticas e iterativas. Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española :6  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Kim, Alan Hyun-Oak
2011. Rhetorical questions as catalyst in grammaticalization: Deriving Korean discourse marker KETUN from conditional connective. Journal of Pragmatics 43:4  pp. 1023 ff. DOI logo
2010. A constructional taxonomy ofI thinkand related expressions: accounting for the variability of complement-taking mental predicates. English Language and Linguistics 14:3  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
2010. The particle ya in Colloquial Singapore English. World Englishes 29:1  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Flament-Boistrancourt, Danièle
2009. Sinon marqueur énonciatif pour parler salaires et plus si affinités. Langue française n° 161:1  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
Bernd Heine & Heiko Narrog
2009. The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis, DOI logo
Opsahl, Toril
2009. Wolla I swear this is typical for the conversational style of adolescents in multiethnic areas in Oslo. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 32:2  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
2008. Typological Generalizations and the Locus of Their Explanation (F. J. Newmeyer, Possible and Probable Languages: A Generative Perspective on Linguistic Typology). ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 25:1  pp. 240 ff. DOI logo
2008. Seeing as though. English Language and Linguistics 12:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot, Hava
2007. Évaluation scalaire, identification et intensité : quand vrai n'est pas le contraire de faux. Travaux de linguistique n° 54:1  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
Shyldkrot, Hava Bat-Zeev
2005. Catégorisation, Grammatication et Lexicalisation. In Perspectives on Language and Language Development,  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
2007. Pragmaticalization and the History of Japanese Discourse Markers (N. Onodera, Japanese Discourse Markers: Synchronic and Diachronic Discourse Analysis). ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 24:1  pp. 184 ff. DOI logo
Park, Jung‐ran
2007. Evolution of concept networks and implications for knowledge representation. Journal of Documentation 63:6  pp. 963 ff. DOI logo
Arka, I Wayan
2005. Speech levels, social predicates and pragmatic structure in Balinese. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) 15:2-3  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
De Smet, Hendrik & Hubert Cuyckens
2005. Pragmatic Strengthening and the Meaning of Complement Constructions. Journal of English Linguistics 33:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Heine, Bernd
2005. On reflexive forms in creoles. Lingua 115:3  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
Lamiroy, Béatrice & Michel Charolles
2005. Simplement, seulement, malheureusement, heureusement. Travaux de linguistique n o 49:2  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Panther, Klaus-Uwe & Günter Radden
2005. Metonymy. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Verstraete, Jean-Christophe
2004. Initial and final position for adverbial clauses in English: the constructional basis of the discursive and syntactic differences. Linguistics 42:4 DOI logo
Hopper, Paul J. & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
2003. Grammaticalization, DOI logo
2003. The discourse marker nu: Israeli Hebrew impatience in interaction. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse 23:1 DOI logo
Blanche-Benveniste, Claire
2002. Auxiliaires et degrés de « verbalité ». Syntaxe & Sémantique N° 3:1  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Kearns, Kate
2002. Implicature and language change. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs & Richard B. Dasher
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Foolen, Ad
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Nordlinger, Rachel & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
1997. Scope and the development of epistemic modality: evidence fromought to. English Language and Linguistics 1:2  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Spooren, Wilbert
1997. The processing of underspecified coherence relations. Discourse Processes 24:1  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
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1996. SOME RECENT TRENDS IN GRAMMATICALIZATION. Annual Review of Anthropology 25:1  pp. 217 ff. DOI logo
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