Part of
Studies in Anaphora
Edited by Barbara A. Fox
[Typological Studies in Language 33] 1996
► pp. 205254
Cited by (129)

Cited by 129 other publications

Auer, Peter
2024. Das Ende von Projekten und wie sie erweitert werden können. In Online-Syntax,  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Eva-Marie Bloom Ström, Hannah Gibson, Rozenn Guérois & Lutz Marten
2024. Morphosyntactic Variation in Bantu, DOI logo
Buchholz, Timo & Klaus von Heusinger
2024. German demonstrative pronouns differ in their sensitivity to discourse and sentence topics. Frontiers in Communication 9 DOI logo
Garoma, Eba Teresa
2024. Demonstratives in Afaan Oromoo. Cogent Arts & Humanities 11:1 DOI logo
Huang, Xiyue
2024. The Semantic Features and Pragmatic Functions of Cantonese Quasi-Demonstrative Type Quantifier di1: A Comparison with Demonstratives ne1 and go2. In Chinese Lexical Semantics [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14514],  pp. 46 ff. DOI logo
Khachaturyan, Maria, Erika Sandman & Thera Marie Crane
2024. Doing things with grammar. Functions of Language 31:2  pp. 166 ff. DOI logo
Kong, Fanguang & Huy Linh Dao
2024. La syntaxe et la sémantique des démonstratifs prédicatifs en français, en chinois mandarin et en vietnamien : perspective typologique. Corela 22-1 DOI logo
Lander, Yury A. & Shamset Sh. Unarokova
2024. Defining pronominal series: demonstratives in West Circassian. Voprosy Jazykoznanija :2 DOI logo
Li, Xiaoting
2024. Managing progressivity and solidarity with nage shenme ‘that what’ in Mandarin interaction. In New Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 36],  pp. 220 ff. DOI logo
Skilton, Amalia
2024. The deictic content of demonstratives. Language and Linguistics Compass 18:4 DOI logo
Yurayong, Chingduang & Seppo Kittilä
2024. A typological approach to intersubjective uses of the Finnish clitic markers =hAn and =se from the perspectives of engagement and their interrelations with subject person. Open Linguistics 10:1 DOI logo
Bittner, Dagmar
2023. A unified account of the multiple applications of German D-pronoun. Linguistics Vanguard 9:s2  pp. 215 ff. DOI logo
Bloom, Barthe
2023. Life at the intersection. In Constructional Approaches to Nordic Languages [Constructional Approaches to Language, 37],  pp. 24 ff. DOI logo
Claire Bowern
2023. The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages, DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. The reference system of Lele. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 307 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Implications. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 380 ff. DOI logo
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2023. The reference system in Sino-Russian idiolects. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 163 ff. DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. Introduction. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. The reference system of Polish. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. The reference system of Pero. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 182 ff. DOI logo
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2023. The reference system of Hdi. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
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2023. The reference system of Mina. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 200 ff. DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. A Typology of Reference Systems, DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. The reference system of English. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 334 ff. DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. The reference system of Gidar. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 230 ff. DOI logo
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2023. The reference system of Mupun. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2023. Summary. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
González Pérez, Manuel David
2023. Spheres of interest: Space and social cognition in Phola deixis. Open Linguistics 9:1 DOI logo
Guerrero, Lilián
2023. Gramática de la locación y el tiempo en yaqui, DOI logo
Henri, Agnès
2023. Éléments de description du mwerlap (langue du Nord-Vanuatu). Lalies 41  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
Janebová, Markéta & Michaela Martinková
2023. On similative demonstratives in Czech and English. Languages in Contrast 23:2  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach
2023. Non-Interrogative Subordinate Wh-Clauses, DOI logo
Kaltenböck, Gunther
2023. On the use of there-clefts with zero subject relativizer. In Reconnecting Form and Meaning [Studies in Language Companion Series, 230],  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Schnell, Stefan, Geoffrey L.J. Haig, Nils Norman Schiborr & Maria Vollmer
2023. Are referent introductions sensitive to forward planning in discourse?. In Discourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective [Studies in Language Companion Series, 227],  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
Vallejos-Yopán, Rosa
2023. From demonstrative to filler:estein Amazonian Spanish and beyond. Linguistics 61:3  pp. 651 ff. DOI logo
Ahn, Dorothy
2022. Indirectly direct: An account of demonstratives and pointing. Linguistics and Philosophy 45:6  pp. 1345 ff. DOI logo
Dahmen, Josua & Joe Blythe
2022. Calibrating recipiency through pronominal reference. Interactional Linguistics 2:2  pp. 190 ff. DOI logo
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2022. L’opposition -ci/-là/∅ avec le déterminant démonstratif dans le français oral informel. SHS Web of Conferences 138  pp. 11007 ff. DOI logo
Iwasaki, Shoichi & Parada Dechapratumwan
2022. Creating versatility in Thai demonstratives. Studies in Language 46:3  pp. 517 ff. DOI logo
Killian, Don
2022. Towards a typology of predicative demonstratives. Linguistic Typology 26:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
König, Ekkehard
2022. Laura Becker: Articles in the world’s languages . Folia Linguistica 56:2  pp. 501 ff. DOI logo
Maes, Alfons, Emiel Krahmer & David Peeters
2022. Understanding demonstrative reference in text: a new taxonomy based on a new corpus. Language and Cognition 14:2  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
Maes, Alfons, Emiel Krahmer & David Peeters
2022. Explaining variance in writers’ use of demonstratives: A corpus study demonstrating the importance of discourse genre. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7:1 DOI logo
Meeuwis, Michael & Koen Stroeken
2022. Non-situational functions of demonstrative noun phrases in Lingala (Bantu). Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
Naruoka, Keiko
2022. The interactional functions of the Japanese demonstratives in conversation. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 475 ff. DOI logo
Nicolae, Andreea C. & Gregory Scontras
2022. On the Status of Post-nominal Q Superlatives in Romanian. In Measurements, Numerals and Scales,  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
Sarda, Laure & Benjamin Fagard
2022. Introduction: The description of motion events. In Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description [Human Cognitive Processing, 72],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2021. JAPONCA VE TÜRKÇE İŞARET SÖZCÜKLERİNİN ALGISAL KULLANIMLARI ÜZERİNE. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :53  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
Budzisch, Josefina
2021.  [Studiauralo-altaica, 54],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Dvořák, Jan
2021. L’emploi du démonstratif ten avec l’adjectif superlatif en tchèque. Scolia :35  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Dvořák, Jan
2022. Le démonstratif et autres marqueurs anaphoriques dans les chaînes de référence en français et en tchèque. Travaux de linguistique n° 82:1  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Dvořák, Jan
2024. “Definite Associative Deixis”: Between Referential and Attributive Readings. Discours 34 DOI logo
Lecouvet, Mathieu, Liesbeth Degand & Ferran Suner
2021. Unclogging the Bottleneck: The role of case morphology in L2 acquisition at the syntax-discourse interface. Language Acquisition 28:3  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Lefeuvre, Florence
2021. Les interrogatives averbales dans la presse, stratégies discursives récurrentes ?. Langue française N° 212:4  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
Mesh, Kate, Emiliana Cruz, Joost van de Weijer, Niclas Burenhult & Marianne Gullberg
2021. Effects of Scale on Multimodal Deixis: Evidence From Quiahije Chatino. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Mwinlaaru, Isaac N.
2021. deixis in the Dagaare Nominal Group: Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Perspectives. <i>WORD</i> 67:3  pp. 281 ff. DOI logo
O’Madagain, Cathal
2021. This is a Paper about Demonstratives. Philosophia 49:2  pp. 745 ff. DOI logo
Peeters, David, Emiel Krahmer & Alfons Maes
2021. A conceptual framework for the study of demonstrative reference. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28:2  pp. 409 ff. DOI logo
Wittenberg, Eva, Shota Momma & Elsi Kaiser
2021. Demonstratives as bundlers of conceptual structure. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6:1 DOI logo
Baker, Brett & Mark Harvey
2020. Anti-scope prefix order and zero-marked obliques. Diachronica 37:2  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Bartkutė, Darija & Daiva Verikaitė-Gaigalienė
2020. Spatial deictics in translation. Languages in Contrast 20:1  pp. 84 ff. DOI logo
Diessel, Holger & Kenny R. Coventry
2020. Demonstratives in Spatial Language and Social Interaction: An Interdisciplinary Review. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Meier, Cécile
2020. Definiteness. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Nash, David & David P. Wilkins
2020. Where we PART from NSM: Understanding Warlpiri yangka and the Warlpiri expression of part-hood. In Meaning, Life and Culture: In conversation with Anna Wierzbicka,  pp. 461 ff. DOI logo
Reile, Maria, Helen Plado, Harmen B. Gudde & Kenny R. Coventry
2020. Demonstratives as spatial deictics or something more? Evidence from Common Estonian and Võro. Folia Linguistica 54:1  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Dancygier, Barbara
2019. Proximal and distal deictics and the construal of narrative time . Cognitive Linguistics 30:2  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
Bergqvist, Henrik
2018. Evidentiality as stance. In Evidence for Evidentiality [Human Cognitive Processing, 61],  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Jarbou, Samer Omar
2018. Time frame as a determinant of accessibility of anaphoric demonstratives in Classical Arabic. Topics in Linguistics 19:2  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Khachaturyan, Maria
2018. A sketch of dialectal variation in Mano. Mandenkan :59 DOI logo
Khachaturyan, Maria
2019. Knowing Is Belonging: Recognitional Deixis and Emergence of Common Ground in Religious Conversion. Signs and Society 7:2  pp. 186 ff. DOI logo
Khachaturyan, Maria
2020. Common Ground in Demonstrative Reference: The Case of Mano (Mande). Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Nikitina, Tatiana
2018. When Linguists and Speakers Do Not Agree: The Endangered Grammar of Verbal Art in West Africa. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28:2  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo
Çokal, Derya, Patrick Sturt & Fernanda Ferreira
2018. Processing ofItandThisin Written Narrative Discourse. Discourse Processes 55:3  pp. 272 ff. DOI logo
Crossley, Scott A., Dani Francuz Rose, Cassondra Danekes, Charles Wesley Rose & Danielle S. McNamara
2017. That noun phrase may be beneficial and this may not be: discourse cohesion in reading and writing. Reading and Writing 30:3  pp. 569 ff. DOI logo
Kaneyasu, Michiko & Shoichi Iwasaki
2017. Indexing ‘entrustment’: An analysis of the Japanese formulaic construction [N da yo N]. Discourse Studies 19:4  pp. 402 ff. DOI logo
Kroon, Caroline
2017. Textual Deixis and the ‘Anchoring’ Use of the Latin Pronoun hic. Mnemosyne 70:4  pp. 585 ff. DOI logo
Manfredi, Stefano
2017. Demonstratives and the emergence of a definite article in Juba Arabic and Ki-Nubi. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 32:2  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Oshima, David Y. & Elin McCready
2017. Anaphoric demonstratives and mutual knowledge. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 35:3  pp. 801 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Yicheng
2017. Numeral classifiers in Sinitic languages: Semantic content, contextuality, and semi-lexicality. Linguistics 55:2  pp. 333 ff. DOI logo
Merlan, Francesca
2016. Correlation of textual and spatial reference. In Land and Language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country [Culture and Language Use, 18],  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Guillot-Barbance, Céline & Christiane Marchello-Nizia
2015. Spécialisation morpho-syntaxique et changement sémantique : le cas du démonstratif français. Langue française N° 187:3  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Guérin, Valérie
2015. Demonstrative verbs: A typology of verbal manner deixis. Linguistic Typology 19:2  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Hansen, Martje & Jens Hessmann
2015. Researching linguistic features of text genres in a DGS corpus. Sign Language & Linguistics 18:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cuenca, Maria-Josep
2014. The use of demonstratives and context activation in Catalan parliamentary debate. Discourse Studies 16:6  pp. 729 ff. DOI logo
Pavesi, Maria
2014. This and That in the Language of Film Dubbing: A Corpus-Based Analysis. Meta 58:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Rumsey, Alan
2014. Language and human sociality. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology,  pp. 400 ff. DOI logo
Sidnell, Jack, N. J. Enfield & Paul Kockelman
2014. Interaction and intersubjectivity. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology,  pp. 343 ff. DOI logo
Massé-Arkan, Pascale
2013. How demonstrative determiners cil and cist contribute to text grammar and discourse comprehension in Old French narratives. zrph 129:3  pp. 559 ff. DOI logo
Massé-Arkan, Pascale
2017. Démonstratif, article défini et construction déterminative démonstrative [celui qu-/de]. Revue des langues romanes CXXI:1  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Consten, Manfred & Maria Averintseva-Klisch
2012. Tentative Reference Acts? ‘Recognitional Demonstratives’ as Means of Suggesting Mutual Knowledge – or Overriding a Lack of It. Research in Language 10:3  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
Jarbou, Samir O. & Fathi Migdadi
2012. Testing the Limits of Anaphoric Distance in Classical Arabic: A Corpus-Based Study. Research in Language 10:4  pp. 423 ff. DOI logo
Kummerow, David
2012. The Person That Isn't: On Defining the Third-Person, Negatively and Positively So. Australian Journal of Linguistics 32:2  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Mihas, Elena
2012. Spatial deixis in Ashéninka Perené (Arawak). LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 12:1  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Mihas, Elena
2013. Nominal and verbal temporal morphology in Ashéninka Perené (Arawak). Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 45:1  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
2012. Les emplois référentiels du SN démonstratif en français et en néerlandais: pas du pareil au même. Journal of French Language Studies 22:2  pp. 273 ff. DOI logo
Defrancq, Bart
2011. La prise en charge énonciative. In La prise en charge énonciative [Champs linguistiques, ],  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Stvan, Laurel Smith
2011. Review of Amiridze, Davis & Maclagan (2010): Fillers, Pauses and Placeholders. Studies in Language 35:4  pp. 945 ff. DOI logo
Vanderbauwhede, Gudrun, Piet Desmet & Peter Lauwers
2011. The Shifting of the Demonstrative Determiner in French and Dutch in Parallel Corpora: From Translation Mechanisms to Structural Differences. Meta 56:2  pp. 443 ff. DOI logo
Blythe, Joe
2010. Self-Association in Murriny Patha Talk-in-Interaction. Australian Journal of Linguistics 30:4  pp. 447 ff. DOI logo
Cornish, Francis
2010. Indexicaux, discours et mémoire discursive : ce que les premiers révèlent du second et de la troisième. Linx :62-63  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
2017. SN démonstratifs et anadeixis: sens ‘spatial’, ou valeurs tributaires d'une stratégie pragmatique potentielle?. Journal of French Language Studies 27:2  pp. 215 ff. DOI logo
Swierzbin, Bonnie
2010. Demonstratives’ Special Place in the English Reference System: Why that’s Important for English Language Learners. Language and Linguistics Compass 4:10  pp. 987 ff. DOI logo
Gerner, Matthias
2009. Deictic Features of Demonstratives: A Typological Survey with Special Reference to the Miao Group. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 54:1  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
Abel, Jennifer
2006. That Crazy Idea of Hers: The English Double Genitive as Focus Construction. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 51:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Guillot, Céline
2006. Le démonstratif en français – présentation. Langue française n° 152:4  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Guillot, Céline
2006. Démonstratif et déixis discursive : analyse comparée d'un corpus écrit de français médiéval et d'un corpus oral de français contemporain. Langue française n° 152:4  pp. 56 ff. DOI logo
2013. Système des démonstratifs médiévaux et exemples de stratégies communicatives. Journal of French Language Studies 23:2  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
Jonasson, Kerstin
2006. Démonstratifs indéfinis en suédois et leurs correspondants en français. Langue française n° 152:4  pp. 24 ff. DOI logo
McConvell, Patrick
2006. Grammaticalization of Demonstratives as Subordinate Complementizers in Ngumpin-Yapa* An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Blackwood Australianist workshop and at the ALS conference in 2003, and thanks go to colleagues who provided comments at those meetings and later, especially Joyce Hudson, Mary Laughren, David Nash, Rachel Nordlinger, Rob Pensalfini, Eirlys Richards, Jane Simpson, Tasaku Tsunoda and David Wilkins. Thanks too to the Max-Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, where as a visiting scholar in 2003 I carried out revisions, and particularly to Holger Diessel, Zygmunt Frayzingier and Eva Schultze-Berndt for discussion there and to Christian Lehmann for comments.. Australian Journal of Linguistics 26:1  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
Mortelmans, Jesse
2006. LEDIT vs le démonstratif en moyen français : quels contextes d'emploi ?. Langue française n° 152:4  pp. 70 ff. DOI logo
Marchello-Nizia, Christiane
2004. La sémantique des démonstratifs en ancien français : une neutralisation en progrès ?. Langue française n°141:1  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
Marchello-Nizia, Christiane
2005. Deixis and subjectivity: the semantics of demonstratives in Old French (9th–12th century). Journal of Pragmatics 37:1  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
Marchello-Nizia, Christiane
2006. Du subjectif au spatial : l'évolution des formes et du sens des démonstratifs en français. Langue française n° 152:4  pp. 114 ff. DOI logo
Kleiber, Georges
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Kleiber, Georges
2006. Démonstratifs : emplois à la mode et mode (s) d'emploi. Langue française n° 152:4  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Kleiber, Georges
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Kleiber, Georges
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Kleiber, Georges
2023. Sur le fonctionnement référentiel des démonstratifs anaphoriques : comment trouve-t-on le « bon » référent ?. Cahiers de praxématique :80 DOI logo
Botley, Simon & Tony Mcenery
2001. Demonstratives in English. Journal of English Linguistics 29:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
De Mulder, Walter
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De Mulder, Walter
2021. Le déterminant démonstratif ce  : d’un marqueur token -réflexif à une instruction contribuant à la construction de référents. Langue française N° 210:2  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
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2012. References. In The Handbook of Conversation Analysis,  pp. 741 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
2023. Copyright Page. In A Typology of Reference Systems,  pp. iv ff. DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 30 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.