Reciprocals without reflexives
Cited by (20)
Cited by 20 other publications
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Eva-Marie Bloom Ström, Hannah Gibson, Rozenn Guérois & Lutz Marten
2024 .
Morphosyntactic Variation in Bantu ,
Jendraschek, Gerd & Myung-Chul Koo
Филимонова, Елизавета Владимировна
2023 .
Chaining Reciprocal in Russian Sign Language .
Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology :4(42)
► pp. 65 ff.
Moyse‐Faurie, Claire
2017 .
Reflexives Markers in Oceanic Languages .
Studia Linguistica 71:1-2
► pp. 107 ff.
Inglese, Guglielmo & Simone Mattiola
2020 .
Pluractionality in Hittite .
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:2
► pp. 261 ff.
Gildea, Spike & Joana Jansen
Inglese, Guglielmo
2022 .
Towards a typology of middle voice systems .
Linguistic Typology 26:3
► pp. 489 ff.
Peregrina Llanes, Manuel, Albert Álvarez González & Zarina Estrada-Fernández
Dom, Sebastian, Leonid Kulikov & Koen Bostoen
2016 .
The middle as a voice category in Bantu: Setting the stage for further research .
Lingua Posnaniensis 58:2
► pp. 129 ff.
Janic, Katarzyna
2016 .
Synchronic and diachronic aspects of valency-reducing devices in Oceanic languages .
Lingua Posnaniensis 58:2
► pp. 151 ff.
Dom, Sebastian, Guillaume Segerer & Koen Bostoen
Nouguier Voisin, Sylvie
2006 .
Antipassif et langues accusatives . In
Linguistique typologique ,
► pp. 193 ff.
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