Dadan, Marcin R.
Agentive reading in the Middle: The structure of Polish reflexiva tantum.
Studies in Polish Linguistics 19:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Rott, Julian Andrej, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Paola Fritz-Huechante
Directionality in the psych alternation: a quantitative cross-linguistic study.
Linguistic Typology 28:1
► pp. 147 ff.

Christina Sevdali, Dionysios Mertyris & Elena Anagnostopoulou
The Place of Case in Grammar,

李, 天琪
A Study on the Nature of Cross-Linguistic “Subject” and Its Relationship with Semantic Roles.
Modern Linguistics 12:12
► pp. 16 ff.

Walker, Katherine & Pegah Faghiri
Introduction to Lexical constraints in grammar: Minority verb classes and restricted alternations.
Open Linguistics 9:1

Wyroślak, Piotr
Accusative-instrumental alternation in Polish.
Zeitschrift für Slawistik 68:1
► pp. 41 ff.

Cennamo, Michela & Claudia Fabrizio
Non-nominative arguments, active impersonals, and control in Latin. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 188 ff.

Cotticelli, Paola & Eystein Dahl
Split alignment, mixed alignment, and the spread of accusative morphosyntax in some archaic Indo-European languages. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 64 ff.

Fabrizio, Claudia
Infinitives and subjecthood between Latin and Old Italian. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 221 ff.

Hock, Hans Henrich
Passives and anticausatives in Vedic Sanskrit. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 166 ff.

Luraghi, Silvia & Guglielmo Inglese
The origin of ergative case markers. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 123 ff.

Manfredi, Stefano
Pain Constructions in modern Arabic dialects: a typological overview.
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 75:4
► pp. 501 ff.

Melis, Chantal
Alignment changes with Spanish experiential verbs. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 246 ff.

Meyer, Robin
Armenian morphosyntactic alignment in diachrony. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 277 ff.

Seržant, Ilja A., Björn Wiemer, Eleni Bužarovska, Martina Ivanová, Maxim Makartsev, Stefan Savić, Dmitri Sitchinava, Karolína Skwarska & Mladen Uhlik
Areal and diachronic trends in argument flagging across Slavic. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 300 ff.

Zhamaletdinova, Elmira
The trajectory of the “Možno ja X?” construction: variation in speech acts of request in contemporary Russian.
Russian Linguistics 46:2
► pp. 133 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Changes outside of the CCore. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 225 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Constructions. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 16 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Argument structure. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 111 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
A′ constructions. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 166 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Grammatical functions. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 145 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Universals. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 41 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,

Culicover, Peter W.
Constructional change in Germanic. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 197 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Recapitulation and prospects. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 274 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Overview. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 3 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Learning, complexity, and competition. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 68 ff.

Culicover, Peter W.
Constructional economy and analogy. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. 242 ff.

Ilioaia, Mihaela & Marleen Van Peteghem
Dative experiencers with nominal predicates in Romanian: a synchronic and diachronic study.
Folia Linguistica 55:s42-s2
► pp. 255 ff.

Mitkovska, Liljana
The network of reflexive dative constructions in South Slavic.
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 57:1
► pp. 59 ff.

Becker, Laura & Matías Guzmán Naranjo
Psych predicates in European languages.
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:4
► pp. 483 ff.

Benedetti, Marina & Chiara Gianollo
Ovsjannikova, Maria & Sergey Say
The Instrumental Case in the Diachrony of Russian Reflexive Verbs of Emotion: From Cause to Content.
Scando-Slavica 66:1
► pp. 118 ff.

Ovsjannikova, Maria & Sergey Say
Stimulus encoding in constructions with past passive participles in Russian: construal and diachrony.
Russian Linguistics 45:3
► pp. 283 ff.

Rozwadowska, Bożena, Arkadiusz Nowak & Anna Bondaruk
Bar-Asher Siegal, Elitzur A. & Karen De Clercq
From negative cleft to external negator. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 228 ff.

Barðdal, Jóhanna, Thórhallur Eythórsson & Tonya Kim Dewey
Batllori, Montserrat, Elisabeth Gibert-Sotelo & Isabel Pujol
Changes in the argument and event structure of psych verbs in the history of Spanish. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 249 ff.

Bernstein, Judy, Francisco Ordóñez & Francesc Roca
On the emergence of personal articles in the history of Catalan. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 88 ff.

Blümel, Andreas & Marco Coniglio
What kind of constructions yield what kind of constructions?. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 131 ff.

Miriam Bouzouita, Anne Breitbarth, Lieven Danckaert & Elisabeth Witzenhausen
Cycles in Language Change,

Breitbarth, Anne, Lieven Danckaert, Elisabeth Witzenhausen & Miriam Bouzouita
Cycling through diachrony. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 1 ff.

Dattner, Elitzur
The Hebrew dative: Usage patterns as discourse profile constructions.
Linguistics 57:5
► pp. 1073 ff.

De Clercq, Karen
French negation, the Superset Principle, and Feature Conservation. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 199 ff.

Fischer, Susann, Mario Navarro & Jorge Vega Vilanova
The clitic doubling parameter. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 52 ff.

Fuß, Eric
When morphological and syntactic change are not in sync. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 33 ff.

Garzonio, Jacopo & Silvia Rossi
Weak elements in cycles. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 71 ff.

Kinn, Kari
Bare singular nouns in Middle Norwegian. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 109 ff.

Mazzitelli, Lidia Federica
Referential and pragmatic-discourse properties of Lithuanian reference impersonals: 2sg-imp, 3-imp and ma/ta-imp.
Kalbotyra 72
► pp. 32 ff.

Mazzitelli, Lidia Federica
Moreno, Mitrović
Quantificational cycles and shifts. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 155 ff.

Poletto, Cecilia & Emanuela Sanfelici
On the relative cycle. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 177 ff.

van Gelderen, Elly
Cyclical change and problems of projection. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. 13 ff.

Barðdal, Jóhanna & Thórhallur Eythórsson
Melis, Chantal & Marcela Flores
Jessica Coon, Diane Massam & Lisa Demena Travis
The Oxford Handbook of Ergativity,

Halevy, Rivka
What makes the dative-experiencer construction in Modern Hebrew different from its counterparts in European languages?.
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 75:3
► pp. 379 ff.

Halevy, Rivka
Non-subject oriented existential, possessive and dative-experiencer constructions in Modern Hebrew – a cross-linguistic typological approach.
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 76:4
► pp. 545 ff.

Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven
Verb class, case, and order: A crosslinguistic experiment on non-nominative experiencers
Linguistics 54:4
► pp. 769 ff.

Wiemer, Björn & Vaiva Žeimantienė
Barðdal, Jóhanna & Spike Gildea
Spraunienė, Birutė, Auksė Razanovaitė & Erika Jasionytė
Verhoeven, Elisabeth
Thematic Asymmetries Do Matter! A Corpus Study of German Word Order.
Journal of Germanic Linguistics 27:1
► pp. 45 ff.

Bickel, Balthasar, Taras Zakharko, Lennart Bierkandt & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich
Bickel, Balthasar, Taras Zakharko, Lennart Bierkandt & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich
Dahl, Eystein
Alignment in Proto-Indo-European. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 24 ff.

Dahl, Eystein
Alignment and alignment change in the Indo-European family and beyond. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. 1 ff.

Eystein Dahl
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,

Holvoet, Axel & Marta Grzybowska
Holvoet, Axel & Nicole Nau
Wiemer, Björn & Valgerður Bjarnadóttir
Ovsjannikova, Maria
Encoding and semantic properties of stimulus in Russian: verbs of anger and beyond.
Russian Linguistics 37:1
► pp. 21 ff.

Dahl, Eystein & Chiara Fedriani
The Argument Structure of Experience: Experiential Constructions in Early Vedic, Homeric Greek and Early Latin1.
Transactions of the Philological Society 110:3
► pp. 342 ff.

Majid, Asifa
Current Emotion Research in the Language Sciences.
Emotion Review 4:4
► pp. 432 ff.

Fedriani, Chiara
Experiential metaphors in Latin: feelings were containers, movements and things possessed1.
Transactions of the Philological Society 109:3
► pp. 307 ff.

Wodtko, Dagmar S.
Verbale Rektionskomposita und neutrale Subjekte bei Homer.
Glotta 87:1-4
► pp. 184 ff.

Barðdal, Jóhanna
Construction-specific properties of syntactic subjects in Icelandic and German.
Cognitive Linguistics 17:1

Orr, Robert
GYULA DÉCSY,The linguistic identity of Europe..
<i>WORD</i> 55:3
► pp. 456 ff.

[no author supplied]
Copyright Page. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. iv ff.

[no author supplied]
Series preface. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. vii ff.

[no author supplied]
List of abbreviations. In
Cycles in Language Change,
► pp. ix ff.

[no author supplied]
Preface. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. xi ff.

[no author supplied]
List of Abbreviations. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. xv ff.

[no author supplied]
Copyright Page. In
Language Change, Variation, and Universals,
► pp. iv ff.

[no author supplied]
Copyright Page. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. iv ff.

[no author supplied]
List of abbreviations. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. xi ff.

[no author supplied]
List of tables. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. ix ff.

[no author supplied]
List of figures. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. viii ff.

[no author supplied]
Series preface. In
Alignment and Alignment Change in the Indo-European Family,
► pp. vii ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 30 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.