The Grammar of Causation and Interpersonal Manipulation
This volume presents fifteen original papers dealing with various aspects of causative constructions ranging from morphology to semantics with emphasis on language data from Central and South America. Informed by a better understanding of how different constructions are positioned both synchronically (e.g., on a semantic map) and diachronically (e.g., through grammaticalization processes), the volume affords a comprehensive up-to-date perspective on the perennial issues in the grammar of causation such as the distribution of competing causative morphemes, the meaning distinctions among them, and the overall form-meaning correlation. Morphosyntactic interactions of causatives with other phenomena such as incorporation and applicativization receive focused attention as such basic issues as the semantic distinction between direct and indirect causation and the typology of causative constructions.
[Typological Studies in Language, 48] 2002. xviii, 551 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | p. ix
AppreciationPhilip W. Davis | p. xi
Abbreviations | p. xiii
Introduction: Some basic issues in the grammar of causationMasayoshi Shibatani | pp. 1–22
Cooperation and interpersonal manipulation in the society of intimatesT. Givón and Phil Young | pp. 23–56
Verbs of interpersonal causality and the folk theory of mind and behaviorBertram F. Malle | pp. 57–83
The causative continuumMasayoshi Shibatani and Prashant Pardeshi | pp. 85–126
Causation, constructions, and language ecology: An example from FrenchMichel Achard | pp. 127–155
Tarascan causatives and event complexityRicardo Maldonado and E. Fernando Nava | pp. 157–195
Some constraints on Cora causative constructionsVerónica Vázquez Soto | pp. 197–244
Olutec causatives and applicativesRoberto Zavala | pp. 245–299
On some causative doublets in Classical NahuatlMichel Launey | pp. 301–317
The notion of transfer in Sikuani causativesFrancesc Queixalós | pp. 319–339
Causative constructions in AkawaioAnatol Stefanowitsch | pp. 341–371
Causation in Matses (Panoan, Amazonian Peru)David W. Fleck | pp. 373–415
Causativization and transitivity in Shipibo-KoniboPilar M. Valenzuela | pp. 417–483
Causatives in Asheninka: The case for a sociative sourceDavid Payne | pp. 485–505
Guaraní causative constructionsMaura Velázquez-Castillo | pp. 507–534
General index | pp. 535–549
The volume sheds light on the contrast between direct and indirect causation, between an agentive and a patientive causee, which until now has rarely received a precise definition.
A. B. Letučij, in Voprosy Jazykoznanija 6 (2006)
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2015. Lithuanian morphological causatives. In Voice and Argument Structure in Baltic [Valency, Argument Realization and Grammatical Relations in Baltic, 2], ► pp. 39 ff. 
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2015. Morphological causatives in contemporary Latvian. In Voice and Argument Structure in Baltic [Valency, Argument Realization and Grammatical Relations in Baltic, 2], ► pp. 99 ff. 
Nolan, Brian, Elke Diederichsen & Gudrun Rawoens
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2010. Review of Rawoens (2008): Kausativa verbkonstruktioner i svenskan och nederländskan. En korpusbaserad syntaktisk-semantisk undersökning. Functions of Language 17:1 ► pp. 145 ff. 
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CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General