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2018. Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective, DOI logo
Heiko Narrog & Bernd Heine
2018. Introduction. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Narrog, Heiko, Seongha Rhee & John Whitman
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Sansò, Andrea
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Smith, Hiram L.
2018. Addressing questions of grammaticalization in creoles. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 372 ff. DOI logo
van Lier, Eva & Marlou van Rijn
2018. Alienability splits in action nominal constructions. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 71:4  pp. 631 ff. DOI logo
Zariquiey, Roberto
2018. Diachronic stories of body-part nouns in some language families of South America. In Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective,  pp. 350 ff. DOI logo
Brown, Earl K. & Matthew C. Alba
2017. The role of contextual frequency in the articulation of initial /f/ in Modern Spanish: The same effect as in the reduction of Latin /f/?. Language Variation and Change 29:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Camacho, Roberto Gomes, Erotilde Goreti Pezatti, Danytiele Cristina Fernandes de Paula & Carolina Cau Sposito Ribeiro de Abreu
2017. Transparência linguística. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 17:2  pp. 223 ff. DOI logo
Jessica Coon, Diane Massam & Lisa Demena Travis
2017. The Oxford Handbook of Ergativity, DOI logo
Grohmann, Kleanthes K., Elena Papadopoulou & Charalambos Themistocleous
2017. Acquiring Clitic Placement in Bilectal Settings: Interactions between Social Factors. Frontiers in Communication 2 DOI logo
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2017. Language acquisition in bilectal environments. In Acquiring Sociolinguistic Variation [Studies in Language Variation, 20],  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Maria Kambanaros
2016. The Gradience of Multilingualism in Typical and Impaired Language Development: Positioning Bilectalism within Comparative Bilingualism. Frontiers in Psychology 7 DOI logo
Kaltenböck, Gunther
2016. Elément de macro-syntaxe : comment catégoriser une classe insaississable ?. Modèles linguistiques XXXVIII:74  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
Levshina, Natalia
2016. When variables align: A Bayesian multinomial mixed-effects model of English permissive constructions. Cognitive Linguistics 27:2  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Levshina, Natalia
2020. Efficient trade-offs as explanations in functional linguistics: some problems and an alternative proposal. Revista da ABRALIN  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Grammar emerges through reuse and modification of prior utterances. Discourse Studies 18:3  pp. 330 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Wei
2016. Prosody and discourse functions of ranhou 然后. In Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research and Language Teaching and Learning [Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse, 7],  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Ariel, Mira, Elitzur Dattner, John W. Du Bois & Tal Linzen
2015. Pronominal datives. Studies in Language 39:2  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Martin Hilpert, Construction Grammar and its Application to English . English Text Construction 8:1  pp. 132 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Más allá de la epistemicidad. Spanish in Context 12:1  pp. 120 ff. DOI logo
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2019. On the pace of syntactic elaboration from Latin calques. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 33  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
Gomes Camacho, Roberto & Mircia Hermenegildo Salomão
2015. Competing motivations and number variation. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 8:2  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Gourlay, Claire & Ilana Mushin
2015. ‘Up dere la’: Final Particlelain a Queensland Aboriginal Vernacular. Australian Journal of Linguistics 35:1  pp. 76 ff. DOI logo
2015. Given–new/new–given? Children's sensitivity to the ordering of information in complex sentences. Applied Psycholinguistics 36:3  pp. 589 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Introduction. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 435 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Islandhood (Subjacency) as an epiphenomenon of evolutionary tinkering. In Evolutionary Syntax,  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Exocentric VN compounds. In Evolutionary Syntax,  pp. 144 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Parataxis and coordination as precursors to hierarchy: Evolving recursive grammars. In Evolutionary Syntax,  pp. 86 ff. DOI logo
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Spencer, Andrew
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