Encoding the distinction between location, source, and destination
A typological study
Cited by (29)
Cited by 29 other publications
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Frajzyngier, Zygmunt
2025 .
Locative Predications in Chadic Languages ,
Robbers, Maja & Harald Hammarström
2024 .
Bibliographic bias and information-density sampling .
Linguistics Vanguard
Shluinsky, Andrey
2023 .
Adpositions and adpositional relator nouns in Akebu .
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 44:1
► pp. 77 ff.
Margetts, Anna, Katharina Haude, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Dagmar Jung, Sonja Riesberg, Stefan Schnell, Frank Seifart, Harriet Sheppard & Claudia Wegener
Franco, Ludovico, M. Rita Manzini & Leonardo M. Savoia
Kopecka, Anetta & Marine Vuillermet
Ospina-Bozzi, Ana María & Caterine Cita-Triana
Aurnague, Michel & Dejan Stosic
Nintemann, Julia & Maja Robbers
2019 .
Towards a typology of spatial deictic expressions
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 72:3
► pp. 335 ff.
Rissman, Lilia & Asifa Majid
2019 .
Thematic roles: Core knowledge or linguistic construct? .
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 26:6
► pp. 1850 ff.
Vittrant, Alice
2019 .
Représentation d’un événement spatial, entre contraintes langagières et invariants typologiques .
Langages N° 214:2
► pp. 59 ff.
Georgakopoulos, Thanasis & Petros Karatsareas
2017 .
The causative–instrumental syncretism .
Journal of Linguistics 53:04
► pp. 751 ff.
Jerro, Kyle
2023 .
The semantics of applicativization in Kinyarwanda .
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 41:4
► pp. 1425 ff.
Kashyap, Abhishek Kumar & Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen
2017 .
FIGURE and GROUND in the construal of motion: a registerial perspective .
<i>WORD</i> 63:1
► pp. 62 ff.
Marten, Lutz & Maarten Mous
2017 .
Valency and expectation in Bantu applicatives .
Linguistics Vanguard 3:1
Stolz, Thomas, Nataliya Levkovych & Aina Urdze
Yakpo, Kofi
2023 .
Two types of language contact involving English Creoles .
English Today 39:1
► pp. 12 ff.
Fortis, Jean-Michel & Alice Vittrant
2016 .
Path-expressing constructions: Toward a typology .
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 69:3
► pp. 341 ff.
Kopecka, Anetta
2009 .
L'expression du déplacement en français : l'interaction des facteurs sémantiques, aspectuels et pragmatiques dans la construction du sens spatial .
Langages n° 173:1
► pp. 54 ff.
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