Part of
Gradience, Gradualness and Grammaticalization
Edited by Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Graeme Trousdale
[Typological Studies in Language 90] 2010
► pp. 105128
Cited by (26)

Cited by 26 other publications

Dietrich, Nadine
2024. The seamlessness of grammatical innovation: the case of be going to (revisited). Folia Linguistica 58:s45-s1  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Norde, Muriel & Graeme Trousdale
2024. Creativity, paradigms and morphological constructions: evidence from Dutch pseudoparticiples. Linguistics DOI logo
Troberg, Michelle
2024. A diachronic consequence of intransitivity: structural underspecification and processing biases in Old French. Linguistics Vanguard 10:s2  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Konvička, Martin
2023. Category membership and category potential: The case of vague because. Lexis :22 DOI logo
Louagie, Dana & Uta Reinöhl
2022. Typologizing nominal expressions: the noun phrase and beyond. Linguistics 60:3  pp. 659 ff. DOI logo
Kuo, Yueh Hsin
2021. Morphosyntactic vagueness and directionality. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 9:1  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Kuo, Yueh Hsin
Kuteva, Tania, Bas Aarts, Gergana Popova & Anvita Abbi
2019. The grammar of ‘non-realization’. Studies in Language 43:4  pp. 850 ff. DOI logo
Arnaud, Pierre
2018. Bateau phare, magasin phare  : composés [N 1 N 2 ] N et séquences syntaxiques N 1 +N 2 à N 2 adjectivé. Travaux de linguistique n° 76:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Koutsoukos, Nikos
2018. Constructional change on the contentful-procedural gradient. In Category change from a constructional perspective [Constructional Approaches to Language, 20],  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
Trousdale, Graeme
2018. Change in category membership from the perspective of construction grammar. In Category change from a constructional perspective [Constructional Approaches to Language, 20],  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
Van Goethem, Kristel, Muriel Norde, Evie Coussé & Gudrun Vanderbauwhede
2018. Category change from a constructional perspective. In Category change from a constructional perspective [Constructional Approaches to Language, 20],  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Francis, Elaine J.
2017. Structural priming can inform syntactic analyses of partially grammaticalized constructions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40 DOI logo
Stange, Ulrike
2017. “You’re So Not Going to Believe This”:. American Speech 92:4  pp. 487 ff. DOI logo
Stange, Ulrike
2020. “Holding Grudges Is So Last Century”: The Use of GenX So as a Modifier of Noun Phrases. Journal of English Linguistics 48:2  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
Breban, Tine & Caroline Gentens
2016. Multipleshifts. Functions of Language 23:1  pp. 40 ff. DOI logo
Peters, Pam
2015. Dual adverbs in Australian English. In Grammatical Change in English World-Wide [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 67],  pp. 179 ff. DOI logo
De Smet, Hendrik
2014. Does innovation need reanalysis?. In Usage-Based Approaches to Language Change [Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 69],  pp. 23 ff. DOI logo
Gonzálvez-García, Francisco
2014. “That’s so a construction!”. In Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space [Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 68],  pp. 271 ff. DOI logo
Gonzálvez-García, Francisco
2020. Metonymy meets coercion. In Figurative Meaning Construction in Thought and Language [Figurative Thought and Language, 9],  pp. 151 ff. DOI logo
Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez-García & Angela Downing
2014. Introduction. Plotting functional-cognitive space. In Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space [Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 68],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Núñez Pertejo, Paloma & Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez
2014. That’s absolutely crap, totally rubbish. Functions of Language 21:2  pp. 210 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Adam
2014. Newly Emerging Subordinators in Spoken/Written English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:1  pp. 118 ff. DOI logo
2013. Subjectivity, indefiniteness and semantic change. English Language and Linguistics 17:1  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
Breban, Tine
2010. Is there a postdeterminer in the English noun phrase?1. Transactions of the Philological Society 108:3  pp. 248 ff. DOI logo
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2013. Reference Guide for Varieties of English. In A Dictionary of Varieties of English,  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo

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