The Transformation of an Indian Labor Market

The Case of Pune

ISBN 9789027233837 (Eur) | EUR 110.00
ISBN 9780915027637 (USA) | USD 165.00
ISBN 9789027279149 | EUR 110.00 | USD 165.00
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This book presents the results of a series of studies of the labor markets in Pune, a medium-sized city in India. In the seven-year period over which these studies were carried out, Pune was transformed from a quiet administrative and educational center with a few isolated, relatively low technology factories, employing mostly unskilled and semi-skilled laborers, into a major manufacturing city with a substantial number of large-scale factories producing a diverse set of products, requiring high technology and a skilled work force. At the same time there was what is referred to as the Pune urban agglomoration growth. If there ever was a mix of rapid industrialization, and rapid urbanization, this was it.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 December 2011
Table of Contents



Main BIC Subject

HBJF: Asian history

Main BISAC Subject

HIS003000: HISTORY / Asia / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  86026900 | Marc record