The progressive and habitual aspects in non-standard Englishes
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Cited by 77 other publications
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What’s Left to Say About Irish English Progressives? “I’m Not Going Having Any Conversation with You” .
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The progressive form in learner Englishes: Examining variation across corpora .
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Introduction . In
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2012 .
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Ramat, Paolo
2012 .
Adverbial grammaticalization . In
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2012 .
Grammaticalization and language change in the individual . In
The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization ,
► pp. 251 ff.
Rhee, Seongha
2012 .
Grammaticalization in Korean . In
The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization ,
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Smith, Andrew D. M.
2012 .
Grammaticalization and language evolution . In
The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization ,
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Sun, Chaofen & Elizabeth Closs Traugott
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Grammaticalization and word order change . In
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► pp. 378 ff.
Thompson, Sandra A. & Ryoko Suzuki
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The Grammaticalization of final particles . In
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Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
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Grammaticalization and mechanisms of change . In
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van Gelderen, Elly
2012 .
The grammaticalization of agreement . In
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van Gelderen, Elly
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Grammaticalization and generative grammar: a difficult liaison . In
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Grammaticalization and prosody . In
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The grammaticalization of passives . In
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Bernd Heine & Heiko Narrog
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[no author supplied]
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Abbreviations . In
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[no author supplied]
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Copyright Page . In
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[no author supplied]
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The contributors . In
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► pp. xii ff.
[no author supplied]
2011 .
Dedication . In
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► pp. v ff.
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