Overlap and divergence – aspects of the present perfect in World Englishes
This study provides an analysis of the Present Perfect (PrPf; have + V-en) in World Englishes. To this end, I extract occurrences of the PrPf from the International Corpus of English and annotate them manually for various factors (such as semantics, Aktionsart, temporal adverbials). I analyze the distributions of these factors and define a central PrPf context, while I also explore a multidimensional aggregative approach as a means to establish measures of similarity between the different varieties. In addition, I present a measure of PrPf-friendliness and examine alternative surface forms appearing in perfect contexts. Eventually I relate the findings to existing models of World Englishes, whose applicability I critically review in the light of the findings for the feature under investigation.
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Review of Laporte, Samantha. 2021. Corpora, Constructions, New Englishes. A Constructional and Variationist Approach to Verb Patterning. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-9-027-20850-7. https://doi.org/10.1075/scl.100.
Research in Corpus Linguistics 10:2
► pp. 147 ff.

Buschfeld, Sarah, Alexander Kautzsch & Edgar W. Schneider
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