Naturalness Theory (NT) is founded on the notion of naturalness and claims that when a linguistic phenomenon can
be processed by humans with little effort, both sensomotorically and cognitively, it is deemed more natural compared to other,
more complex phenomena. Drawing on evidence such as language change, language acquisition, and language disorders, various
parameters of naturalness (e.g., biuniqueness, constructional iconicity) have been postulated, which focus on the phonological and
morphological subsystems of language. This paper offers an outline of how naturalness can be adapted to grapholinguistic
phenomena. Comparative graphematics (cf. Weingarten 2011), extended to
comparative grapholinguistics, is assessed as a method that can be used to reveal naturalness parameters
which apply to both material (graphetic) and linguistic (graphematic) aspects of writing. The
reduction of extrinsic symmetry across various scripts will be discussed as an example. By integrating these preliminary
theoretical ideas into the framework of NT, it is demonstrated that so-called Natural Grapholinguistics could
offer promising new insights as well as a tertium comparationis method for future comparative analyses of
scripts and writing systems.
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Cited by (4)
Cited by four other publications
Iyengar, Arvind
2021. A diachronic analysis of Sindhi multiscriptality. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 7:2 ► pp. 207 ff.
Joyce, Terry & Dimitrios Meletis
2021. Alternative criteria for writing system typology. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 40:3 ► pp. 257 ff.
2019. The grapheme as a universal basic unit of writing. Writing Systems Research 11:1 ► pp. 26 ff.
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