Children in primary school read hypertext for comprehension. However, children typically are taught reading strategies for linear
text, while these strategies are not automatically transferrable one-to-one to hypertext. In the present study, a training group
of 55 sixth-graders were taught four hypertext reading strategies (planning, monitoring, evaluation and elaboration) via mind
mapping and the usage of a prompting paper-card. A control group of 29 children received no strategy training. We examined to what
extent strategy training influenced children’s strategy use and learning outcomes: (1) number of pages read and reading time per
text, (2) literal / inferential reading comprehension scores and (3) knowledge representations (relatedness judgment task and mind
maps). At posttest, the training group showed higher scores on a self-reported strategy usage questionnaire, and higher
comprehension scores as compared to the control group. Hypertext strategy training in combination with mind-mapping supports
children’s hypertext comprehension.
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