Colour appearance in urban chromatic studies
Michel Cler | Atelier F&M Cler Etudes Chromatiques, Paris
Making distinctions between colour and colour appearance is essential in exploring the chromatic qualities applied to and in urban and architectural space. As a chromatic landscape, the atmosphere of any urban space is a process of the ongoing construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of ‘colour appearance/shadow’ which is performed through and upon buildings, volumes, spaces, voids, vegetation, and networks of various systems of activities and events, including those of the city’s inhabitants. Considering the diversity of colour appearances and their ephemeral, semi-permanent and permanent aspects, chromatic studies of any particular context need to be built upon aspects of the geographical environment as well as upon issues related to the cultural context and the social memory. Dealing with various environmental concerns in combination with diverse ways of life and cultures requires both openness and a focused approach. In our contemporary age of globalization, addressing culturally and contextually determined chromatic concerns is especially challenging.