The Diachrony of Grammar
The case-studies assembled in these two volumes span a lifetime of research into the diachrony of grammar. That is, into the rise and fall of syntactic constructions and their attendant grammatical morphology. While focused squarely on the data, the studies are nonetheless cast in an explicit theoretical perspective – adaptive, developmental, variationist. Taken as a whole, this work constitutes a frontal assault on Ferdinand de Saussure's corrosive legacy in linguistics. Over the years, reviewers slapped the author's wrist periodically for having dared to commit that most heinous of sins against de Saussure's hallowed legacy – panchronic grammar. In this work he pleads guilty, having never seen a piece of synchronic data that didn't reek, to high heaven, of the diachrony that gave it rise. Reek in two distinct ways: first with the frozen relics of the past that prompt us to reconstruct prior diachronic states; and second with the synchronic variation that hints at ongoing change. Conversely, the author confesses to having never seen a diachronic explanation that did not hinge on the synchronic principles – Carnap's general propositions – that govern language behavior. The synchrony and diachrony of grammar are twin faces of the same coin. To study one without the other is to gut both. By understanding how synchronic grammars come into being we also understand the cognitive, communicative, neurological and developmental universals that constrain diachronic change – and through it synchronic typology.
[Not in series, 192] 2015. 928 pp. (Hb in 2 vols.)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 September 2015
Published online on 21 September 2015
© T. Givón
Table of Contents
Preface | pp. ix–xi
Part I: Perspective
Chapter 1. Historical syntax and synchronic morphology: An archaeologist’s field trip | pp. 1–26
Chapter 2. From discourse to syntax: Grammar as a processing strategy | pp. 27–48
Chapter 3. Where does crazy syntax come from? | pp. 49–74
Chapter 4. The SOV mystery and language evolution | pp. 75–98
Part II: Out of Africa
On the diachrony of the Bantu copula ni | pp. 99–116
Chapter 6. On the verbal origin of the Bantu verb suffixes | pp. 117–130
Chapter 7. Serial verbs and syntactic change: Niger-Congo | pp. 131–162
Chapter 8. Topic, pronoun and grammatical agreement | pp. 163–196
Chapter 9. The drift from VSO to SVO in Biblical Hebrew: The pragmatics of tense-aspect | pp. 197–244
Chapter 10. The evolution of subordinate clauses in Biblical Hebrew | pp. 245–280
Chapter 11. The diachrony of the so-called ‘ethical dative’ | pp. 281–306
Chapter 12. The evolution of indefinite markers | pp. 307–326
Part III: Voices
Chapter 13. The rise of the English GET-passive | pp. 327–354
Chapter 14. Diachronic hybrids: The Lunda Passive | pp. 355–374
Chapter 15. The evolution of de-transitive voice in Tolowa Athabaskan | pp. 375–408
Chapter 16. Tale of two passives: Internal reconstruction in Ute | pp. 409–426
Chapter 17. Toward a diachronic typology of passive voice | pp. 427–442
Language Index
Topic Index
Part IV: High up the mountain
Chapter 18. The evolution of Ute case-marking: Preface | pp. 445–464
Chapter 19. The evolution of Ute post-positions | pp. 465–476
Chapter 20. The diachrony of pronominal agreement in Ute | pp. 477–506
Chapter 21. The diachrony of complex verbs in Ute | pp. 507–524
Chapter 22. The usual suspects: The grammaticalization of ‘do’, ‘be’, ‘have’ and ‘go’ in Ute | pp. 525–552
Part V: Complexity
Chapter 23. Serial verbs and the mental reality of ‘event’ | pp. 555–576
Chapter 24. The puzzle of Ngabere auxiliaries: Comparative cum internal reconstruction in Chibchan and Misumalpan | pp. 577–598
Chapter 25. The genesis of complex verb phrases: Multiple routes to clause-union | pp. 599–636
Chapter 26. The genesis of complex noun phrases | pp. 637–660
Chapter 27. Nominalization, de-subordination and re-finitization | pp. 661–692
Part VI: Prospective
Chapter 28. Diachrony, ontogeny, and evolution | pp. 695–730
Chapter 29. Internal reconstruction: As method, as theory | pp. 731–770
Chapter 30. The intellectual roots of functionalism in linguistics | pp. 771–786
Chapter 31. Beyond Structuralism: Exorcising Saussure’s ghost | pp. 787–800
Chapter 32. Mi vida loca en la linguística: A conversation with Zarina Estrada | pp. 801–818
Bibliography | pp. B1–B32
Language Index | pp. I1–I2
Topic Index | pp. I3–I14
“Givón has been one of the primary contributors to the rise of interest in diachronic syntax over the last 45 years. From his “archaeologist’s field trip” in 1971 through his 2009 book on the genesis of syntactic complexity, he has given us many classic articles on the evolution of morphology and syntax. This collection gathers over thirty of these works in one place, on the one hand tracking the evolution of his often seminal thinking, and on the other, updating the discussion in each paper to reflect the perspective he has gained after 40 years at the cutting edge of the field.”
Spike Gildea, University of Oregon
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Krasnoukhova, Olga
Nir, Bracha
2020. A usage-based typology of Modern Hebrew syntax. In Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew [Studies in Language Companion Series, 210], ► pp. 659 ff. 
Schnell, Stefan & Danielle Barth
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2018. Reconstructing the copulas and nonverbal predicate constructions in Cariban. In Nonverbal predication in Amazonian languages [Typological Studies in Language, 122], ► pp. 365 ff. 
Heine, Bernd
2018. Are there two different ways of approaching grammaticalization?. In New Trends in Grammaticalization and Language Change [Studies in Language Companion Series, 202], ► pp. 23 ff. 
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Evans, Nicholas & Honoré Watanabe
2016. Chapter 1. The dynamics of insubordination. In Insubordination [Typological Studies in Language, 115], ► pp. 1 ff. 
Givón, T.
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Givón, T.
Givón, T.
Givón, T.
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[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
2021. The pre-verbal ‘Augment’ e- in Homeric Greek when preceded by prepositions. In The Life Cycle of Adpositions, ► pp. 145 ff. 
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 17 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFF: Historical & comparative linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General