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Part of
Measuring Native-Speaker Vocabulary Size
I.S.P. Nation and Averil Coxhead
Not in series
233] 2021
► pp.
Author index
Abedi, J.
49, 149
Adamson, L.
Adler, R.
49, 148
Admiraal, W.
105, 147
Alexander, F.
8, 143
Anderson, R.
24–25, 76, 83, 103, 143, 149
Anthony, L.
38, 149
Armstrong, B.
Arroyo, M.
72, 151
Asaba, M.
104, 111, 148
August, D.
Babbitt, E.
137, 139, 142–143
Baddeley, A.
71, 76, 146
Bakeman, R.
Ballance, O.
47, 152
Baltes, P.
66, 151
Banerji, N.
40, 143
Barry, C.
40, 49, 143
Bauer, L.
3, 12, 46, 56, 58–59, 62, 143
Beglar, D.
40, 46, 121, 143, 149
Bennett, P.
104, 151
Beron, K.
7, 51, 70–71, 74, 116, 146
Bock, C.
24, 143
Bohn, W.
8, 143
Bonser, F.
137–140, 142–143
Boote, C.
110, 143
Borden V.
49, 148
Bowles, R.
113, 143
Brandenburg, G.
8–9, 21
Brandenburg, J.
Brandenburg, T.
137, 139–143
Bridgeman, B.
49, 148
Broersma, M.
106, 148
Brown, A.
40, 49, 143
Brown, P.
70, 144
Bryan, F.
21, 144
Brydon, M.
83, 145
Bryk, A.
10, 16–17, 70–71, 147
Brysbaert, M.
2–3, 36, 46, 55, 58–62, 66–68, 74, 76, 95, 102, 105–106, 117, 120–121, 127–128, 144, 146–147, 153
Burch, L.
Bus, A.
72, 81, 149
Busch, J.
Bush, A.
8–9, 144
Byrne, B.
71, 146
Bytheway, J.
97, 144
Callanan, M.
Calude, A.
106, 148
Carlo, M.
126, 144
Carroll, J.
28, 144
Cartmill, E.
75, 144
Chall, J.
2, 21–23, 25, 28–30, 83, 144, 148
Chamberlain I.
8, 143
Chung, T.
120, 127, 144
Clapham, C.
48, 150
Coffman, K.
111, 144
Congdon, P.
102, 107, 148
Cooper, P.
Coventry, W.
71, 146
Coxhead, A.
vii, 2, 36, 40, 46–47, 50, 56–57, 62, 66, 68, 84–85, 90–91, 96–97, 102, 106, 112, 127, 133, 135, 144–146, 148
Crabbe, D.
46, 149
Cullum, K.
D'Anna, C.
2, 22–23, 26, 32–33, 36, 117, 145
Dale, E.
35–38, 45, 104–105, 119, 145
Dang, T.
46, 145
Daulton, F.
77, 145
Davies, P.
28, 144
Davis, M.
145, 150
de Jong, M.
72, 149
de Wilde V.
95, 153
Deckner, D.
80, 145
DeMars, C.
40, 49, 153
Diack, H.
2, 53–56, 62, 105, 113, 117, 120, 145
Dickinson, D.
72, 145
Diller, K.
23, 31–32, 145
Dolby, J.
23, 26, 145
Doran, E.
137–138, 141–142, 145
Dowdall, N.
72, 80, 145
Dressler, C.
Duff, D.
83, 145
Dunn, L.
17, 110, 128, 145
Dupuy, H.
23, 31, 145
Eccles, J.
49, 153
Eckerson, L.
21–22, 29–30, 151
Elder, C.
102, 107, 148
Elgort I.
40, 46, 95, 146
Elley, W.
82, 93, 146
Evans, J.
Eyckmans, J.
95, 106, 146, 153
Farkas, G.
7, 51, 70–71, 74, 116, 146
Fernald, A.
7, 70, 72, 74–75, 101, 109, 146–147, 152
Finney, S.
40, 49, 143
Francis, W.
28, 31, 144, 146
Freebody, P.
24, 143
Gale, H.
8, 146
Gale, M.
8, 146
Gardner, F.
Gaskins, S.
70, 144
Gathercole, S.
71, 76, 146
Gerlach, F.
21, 137–142, 146
Ghisletta, P.
66, 151
Gleitman, L.
Goldin-Meadow, S.
7, 10, 12, 17, 70, 72, 150–151
Goldstein, Z.
107–108, 129, 148
Golinkoff, R.
70, 146
Gonzalez, J.
Goulden, R.
2, 19, 22–25, 28–29, 31, 36, 56, 106, 146
Graf, E.
Grant, L.
56, 121, 146
Grasby, K.
71, 146
Gunderson, E.
Gupta, V.
Gyllstad, H.
104, 107–108, 146
Haight, W.
10, 14, 16–17, 70–71, 147
Hall, J.
2, 22–23, 26, 32–33, 36, 117, 145
Harrington, M.
105–106, 149
Hart, B.
9–10, 12, 14–15, 70, 72–73, 145–146
Hartford, L.
Heilig, M.
8–9, 146
Heilmann, J.
Herdan, G.
3, 67–68, 147
Herman, P.
76, 83, 103, 149
Hernandez, M.
Hill, K.
94, 102, 107, 119, 143, 147–148
Hill, L.
Hirsh-Pasek, K.
70, 146
Hoff, E.
10, 14, 18, 63, 69–72, 74, 146–147
Holden, E.
8, 19, 147
Hollar, C.
101, 147
Holley, C.
137–139, 141–142, 147
Horst, S.
40, 49, 143
Huibregtse I.
105, 147
Hurtado, N.
72, 147
Huttenlocher, J.
10, 16–17, 70–72, 75, 147
Ishii, T.
104, 151
Joe, A.
65, 147
Jones, G.
72, 81, 147, 149
Jones, G.
27, 149
Kennedy, G.
11, 72, 96–97, 152
Keuleers, E.
3, 36, 46, 55, 58, 62, 66–68, 71–72, 74, 76, 105–106, 117, 120, 127–128, 144, 147
Kilgarriff, A.
Kirkpatrick, E.
19, 137, 139–140, 142, 147
Klinowski, D.
111, 144
König, J.
106, 148
Kopp, J.
40, 49, 143
Kramer, B.
104, 151
Kremmel, B.
102–104, 148
Kucera, H.
28, 31, 144, 146
Kwok, O.
Labov, W.
11, 148
Langenbeck, M.
8–9, 148
Larson, M.
60–61, 148
Laufer, B.
102, 107–108, 129, 148
Leffel, K.
Legare, C.
Lemhöfer, K.
106, 148
Letourneau, S.
Lever, R.
72, 151
Levine, S.
72, 151–152
Lindenberger, U.
66, 151
Lippman, D.
Liu, O.
49, 148
Lonigan, C.
101, 148
Lorge I.
2, 20–23, 25, 28–30, 35, 55, 110, 148, 152
Lyons, T.
10, 14, 16–17, 70–71, 147
Macalister, J.
82, 88, 94, 148–149
Malvern, D.
10, 16, 150
Mancilla-Martinez, J.
101, 148
Mandera, P.
3, 36, 46, 55, 58, 62, 66–68, 74, 76, 105, 117, 120, 127–128, 144, 147
Marchman V.
7, 70, 72, 101, 109, 146–147
Mastergeorge, A.
49, 149
Mastin, J.
70, 148
Mateer, F.
8, 148
Matsumoto, Y.
104, 151
McCormick, S.
105, 120, 127–128, 144
McDonald, K.
104, 111, 148
McLaughlin, B.
126, 144
McLaughlin, E.
68, 144
McLean, S.
46, 104, 151
Meara, P.
27, 105, 147, 149
Medinac, T.
Melendez-Torres, G.
Milburn, T.
101, 148
Miller, P.
70–71, 151
Miyoshi, J.
49, 149
Mochida, A.
105–106, 149
Mol, S.
72, 149
Murray, L.
Nagy, W.
24–25, 76, 83, 86, 103, 149–150, 152
Naigles, L.
10, 63, 72, 147
Nation I.S.P.
vii, 1–3, 9, 11–12, 17, 19, 22–23, 25, 28–29, 31, 36, 38, 40, 45–48, 50, 56–59, 62, 66–68, 72, 82–88, 90–91, 93–94, 96–97, 99–100, 102, 106, 112, 117, 119–121, 125–127, 133, 135, 143–146, 148–149, 151–152
Neher, H.
137–139, 141–142, 149
New, B.
3, 5, 9, 12–15, 29, 42, 47–48, 58, 63, 66–68, 73, 76–78, 81–84, 87–91, 97–98, 118, 120–121, 126, 135, 137, 139, 142, 144–146, 148–150, 152
Nguyen, L.
15, 149
O'Neil, A.
49, 149
O'Rourke, J.
35–38, 45, 102, 104–105, 119, 126, 145, 150
Olson, R.
71, 146
Ouellette, G.
72, 151
Pagan, S.
72, 151
Pan, B.
10, 72, 101, 148–149
Parent, K.
5, 10, 72–74, 79–82, 101, 106, 144, 149, 152–153
Paul, P.
vii, 38, 45–46, 57, 102, 146, 150
Pellicer-Sánchez, A.
105, 150
Pelsma, J.
8, 150
Pollard-Durodola, S.
Porche, M.
72, 145
Power, M.
24, 86, 145, 152
Quero, B.
11, 53, 150
Raudenbush, S.
7, 10, 12, 17, 150
Read, J.
ix, 2, 4–5, 19, 22–23, 25, 28–29, 31, 36–37, 48, 54–56, 64, 70–72, 75–76, 81–83, 89–92, 94–95, 97, 103–104, 106, 110, 116, 123, 129, 133, 135, 146, 150
Reid, A.
68, 144
Resnikoff, H.
23, 26, 145
Richards, B.
10, 16, 144, 150
Richman, B.
28, 144
Rios, J.
49, 148
Risley, T.
9–10, 12, 14–15, 70, 72–73, 146
Rodgers, M.
96, 152
Rosenthal, R.
28, 150
Rowe, E.
8, 150
Rowe, H.
8, 150
Rowe, M.
7, 10, 12, 17, 70, 72–73, 75, 146, 149–150
Rowland, C.
72, 81, 147
Salthouse, T.
113, 143
Sapolich, S.
Sasao, Y.
47, 152
Schmitt, D.
48, 68, 83, 125, 127, 150, 151
Schmitt, N.
48, 68, 83, 92, 95, 102–105, 107–108, 125, 127, 146, 148, 150–151
Scott, J.
86, 150
Seashore, R.
21–22, 29–30, 151
Segal, C.
49, 151
Seltzer, M.
10, 14, 16–17, 70–71, 147
Senechal, M.
72, 151
Shneidman, L.
72, 75, 151
Sim, D.
36, 40, 46–47, 50, 57, 61–62, 66, 68, 90–91, 96–97, 102, 112, 127, 133, 135, 144–145
Simmons, D.
Simmons, L.
Singer, J.
10, 66, 72, 149, 151
Slonim, N.
36–38, 43, 45, 74, 108, 110, 143
Smeets, D.
72, 149
Snow, C.
10, 72, 144, 149
Sobel, D.
Sorell, C.
67, 151
Sperry, D.
70–71, 151
Sperry, L.
70–71, 151
Stallman, A.
102, 150
Stauffer, R.
24, 151
Stevens, M.
3, 36, 46, 55, 58, 62, 66–68, 74, 76, 117, 144, 146–147
Stewart, J.
104–105, 107, 151
Stoeckel, T.
46, 104–105, 151
Stubbe, R.
105–106, 151
Suskind, D.
Sutarsyah, C.
11, 72, 96, 152
Takaki, M.
102, 152
Taylor, A.
Tegge, F.
96, 152
Terman, L.
137–142, 152
Thorndike, E.
xi, xiii–xiii, 2, 19–22, 24–25, 28–30, 33, 35–37, 45, 55, 110, 137, 141–142, 145, 151–152
Trueswell, J.
Tugwell, D.
Turner, M.
Tyler, A. R.
24, 152
9, 152
Vagh, S.
101, 148
van Asche, E.
van Hees, J.
38, 86, 93, 146
Verhaeghen, P.
66, 113, 151–152
Vilkaite, L.
104, 107–108, 146
Vogt, P.
70, 148
Waring, R.
102, 152
Webb, S.
1, 9, 46–47, 93, 96, 145, 149, 152
Wei, Z.
87, 152
Weisleder, A.
7, 70, 74–75, 101, 109, 146, 152
Weismer, S.
West, M.
40, 152
Whipple, G.
8–9, 152
Whipple, M.
8–9, 152
White, S.
24, 74, 144, 152
White, T.
24, 74, 144, 152
Wigfield, A.
49, 153
Willard, A.
80, 153
Williams, H.
21–22, 25, 28, 153
Wise, S.
40, 49, 153
Woods, L.
40, 47, 50, 90, 112, 127, 133, 135, 145
Zechmeister, E.
2, 22–23, 26, 32–33, 36, 117, 145
Zhang X.
41, 104, 153