Chapter 13
Authority and deontic modals in Late Modern English
Evidence from the Corpus of Life Sciences Texts
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Deontic modality
- 3.Method
- 4.Deontic modals in CELiST
- 4.1The form of deontic modals
- 4.2The function of deontic modals
- 4.2.1Prescription
- 4.2.2Resultative use
- 4.2.3Reference to procedure in research
- 4.2.4Appeal to the reader or colleague
- 4.2.5Observed phenomena
- 4.2.6Expectations based on actual knowledge
- 4.2.7Impossibility to perform an action as based on opinions or
evidence or lack of means
- 5.Conclusions
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Alonso-Almeida, Francisco & Francisco J. Álvarez-Gil
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