Chapter 5
Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective
Subjective register and morphology
Article outline
- Thesis
- Commentaries on Ravid et al. thesis
- Ray Jackendoff commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
- James Myers commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
- Russell Richie commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
- Benjamin Tucker commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
- Chris Westbury commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
- The article
- Adjectives
- The morphology of Hebrew adjectives
- Non-linear adjective morphology
- Nominal patterns
- Linear adjective morphology
- Reduplication
- Adjectives in complex structures
- Morphology as a developmental criterion
- Familiarity as index
- Hebrew adjectives in texts
- Register
- Method
- Step 1: Compiling the adjective list
- Step 2: Eliciting register judgments from language experts
- Participants and procedure
- Data analysis
- ICC analyses
- Latent class analyses
- Results
- The Five adjective lexicons: Semantic and morphological analyses
- The Core adjective lexicon: Lowest register (M = 1.44)
- The Basic adjective lexicon: Neutral register (M = 2.49)
- The Mature adjective lexicon: Elevated register (M = 3.12)
- The Educated adjective lexicon: High register (M = 3.71)
- The Super-Literate adjective lexicon: Very high register (M = 4.51)
- Discussion
- Semantics
- Morphology
- Register as proxy for frequency