Translation Studies
An integrated approach
Translation Studies presents an integrated concept based on the theory and practice of translation. The author adapts linguistic approaches and methods in such a way that they may be usefully employed in the theory, practice, and analysis of literary translation. The author develops a more cultural approach through text analysis and cross-cultural communication studies. The book is a contribution to the development of translation studies as a discipline in its own right.
[Not in series, 38] 1988. x, 170 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 12 April 2011
Published online on 12 April 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | p. vii
0. Introduction | p. 1
1. Translation studies as an independent discipline | p. 7
1.1 Translation and traditional language study
1.2 Literary and linguistic orientations
1.3 Categorization and text-type
1.4 An integrated approach
2. Translation as a cross-cultural event | p. 39
2.1 Language and culture
2.2 Recent translation theories
2.3 System, norm and text
2.4 Dimension and perspective
3. Translation, text and language | p. 65
3.1 Linguistics and translation
3.2 Text analysis
3.3 Scenes-and-frames semantics
3.4 Speech acts and parallel texts
3.5 Dynamics in meaning
4. From special language to literary translation | p. 111
4.1 The status of the source text
4.2 The factor of style
4.3 An integrated approach confirmed
5. Translation studies: future perspectives | p. 131
Appendix | p. 135
List of source texts | p. 147
List of dictionaries | p. 149
“Snell-Hornby's translation strategies and concrete examples represent an invaluable contribution to translation pedagogy. (...) Especially valuable for foreign language pedagogues is her in-depth treatment ... of translation as a cross-cultural event.
Maureen T. Krause, The Modern Language Journal 74 (1990)
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Translation & Interpreting Studies
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CFP: Translation & interpretation
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LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting