Part of
Text and Technology: In honour of John Sinclair
Edited by Mona Baker, Gill Francis and Elena Tognini-Bonelli
[Not in series 64] 1993
► pp. 271292
Cited by (39)

Cited by 39 other publications

Johansson, Mathias & Betto van Waarden
2024. Structural reading: Developing the method of Structural Collocation Analysis using a case study on parliamentary reporting. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 57:3  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
Nguyen, Hoang Xuan Chieu
2024. Teaching and Learning Collocations in the Vietnamese Context: Teachers’ Voices. AsiaCALL Online Journal 15:1  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Bartl, Sara & Ernestine Lahey
2023. ‘As the title implies’: How readers talk about titles in Amazon book reviews. Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 32:2  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Cao, Dung & Richard Badger
2023. Cross-linguistic influence on the use of L2 collocations: the case of Vietnamese learners. Applied Linguistics Review 14:3  pp. 421 ff. DOI logo
Cao, Dung Thi Phuong, Phuong Dzung Pho & Nguyen Anh Chi Dang
2022. THE TREATMENT OF COLLOCATIONS IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS FOR VIETNAMESE STUDENTS. TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English 33:2  pp. 220 ff. DOI logo
Leclercq, Benoît
2022. From modals to modal constructions. Constructions and Frames 14:2  pp. 226 ff. DOI logo
Qian, Yubin
2022. Dynamism of collocation in L2 English writing: A bigram-based study. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:2  pp. 339 ff. DOI logo
Thelwall, Mike
2020. Pot, kettle: Nonliteral titles aren’t (natural) science. Quantitative Science Studies 1:4  pp. 1638 ff. DOI logo
Weigand, Joy
2020. Intégrer des méthodologies pour étudier le discours de la presse sur les réfugiés. Linx :13 DOI logo
Zareva, Alla
2020. Collocations in Student Academic Presentations. In Speech Accommodation in Student Presentations,  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
Rastelli, Stefano
2019. The discontinuity model: Statistical and grammatical learning in adult second-language acquisition. Language Acquisition 26:4  pp. 387 ff. DOI logo
Bawcom, Linda
Liang, Jianli & David C. S. Li
2017. Researching Collocational Features: Towards China English as a Distinctive New Variety. In Researching Chinese English: the State of the Art [Multilingual Education, 22],  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Matsuno, Kazuko
2017. Processing collocations: Do native speakers and second language learners simultaneously access prefabricated patterns and each single word?. Journal of the European Second Language Association 1:1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Chen, Yuzhen
2016. Dictionary Use for Collocation Production and Retention: a CALL-based Study. International Journal of Lexicography  pp. ecw005 ff. DOI logo
Szudarski, Paweł & Ronald Carter
2016. The role of input flood and input enhancement in EFL learners' acquisition of collocations. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 26:2  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Lehecka, Tomas
2015. Collocation and colligation. In Handbook of Pragmatics, DOI logo
Durrant, Philip
2014. Corpus frequency and second language learners’ knowledge of collocations. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 19:4  pp. 443 ff. DOI logo
Schulze, Rainer
2014. Representing inequality in language. In The Expression of Inequality in Interaction [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 248],  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Perren, Lew & Charles Dannreuther
2013. Political signification of the entrepreneur: Temporal analysis of constructs, agency and reification. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship 31:6  pp. 603 ff. DOI logo
Iglesias-Rábade, Luis
2011. Collocations in Law Texts in Late Middle English: Some Evidence Concerning Adverbs Ending in-lī. Studia Neophilologica 83:1  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Salama, Amir H.Y.
2011. Ideological collocation and the recontexualization of Wahhabi-Saudi Islam post-9/11: A synergy of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis. Discourse & Society 22:3  pp. 315 ff. DOI logo
Salama, Amir H.Y.
2012. The rhetoric of collocational, intertextual and institutional pluralization in Obama's Cairo speech: a discourse-analytical approach. Critical Discourse Studies 9:3  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
2011. A Corpus‐Based Study of the Linguistic Features and Processes Which Influence the Way Collocations Are Formed: Some Implications for the Learning of Collocations. TESOL Quarterly 45:2  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
2010. Size noun constructions as collocationally constrained constructions: lexical and grammaticalized uses. English Language and Linguistics 14:1  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Gómez, Pascual Cantos
2009. Attempting to Model Sense Division for Word Sense Disambiguation. In Handbook of Research on Social Dimensions of Semantic Technologies and Web Services,  pp. 126 ff. DOI logo
Louw, Bill
2006. Data-assisted negotiating: Will it produce a new class of negotiator or destroy the ideology of negotiating?. Language Matters 37:2  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Dayrell, Carmen
2004. Towards a corpus-based research methodology for investigating lexical patterning in translated texts. Language Matters 35:1  pp. 70 ff. DOI logo
2001. On inference theories and code theories: Corpus evidence for semantic schemas. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse 21:3 DOI logo
Stubbs, Michael
2004. Language Corpora. In The Handbook of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 106 ff. DOI logo
Cazade, Alain
1999. De l’expérimentation multimédia à l’analyse. ASp 23-26  pp. 441 ff. DOI logo
Luzón Marco, María José
1999. Corpus analysis and pragmatics. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 123-124  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Murison-Bowie, Simon
1996. Linguistic Corpora and Language Teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 16  pp. 182 ff. DOI logo
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2001. References. In Where Lexicon and Syntax meet,  pp. 303 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2017. Bibliography. In The Handbook of Sociolinguistics,  pp. 453 ff. DOI logo

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