Part of
Essays on Language Function and Language Type: Dedicated to T. Givón
Edited by Joan L. Bybee, John Haiman and Sandra A. Thompson
[Not in series 82] 1997
► pp. 437468
Cited by (128)

Cited by 128 other publications

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2024. Reported speech uses in children with and without developmental language disorder. Child Language Teaching and Therapy 40:2  pp. 178 ff. DOI logo
Lewandowski, Wojciech & Şeyda Özçalışkan
2024.  Translating Motion Events Across Physical and Metaphorical Spaces in Structurally Similar Versus Structurally Different Languages . Metaphor and Symbol 39:1  pp. 10 ff. DOI logo
Menete, Sérgio N. & Guiying Jiang
2024. Another member out of the family: the description of manner of gait in Changana verbs of motion. Folia Linguistica 58:2  pp. 401 ff. DOI logo
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2024. New insights into the typology of motion in the history of French : evidence from the manner verb lexicon. SHS Web of Conferences 191  pp. 03005 ff. DOI logo
Qu, Jiashen & Koji Miwa
2024. Conceptualisation of event roles in L1 and L2 by Japanese learners of English: a cross-linguistic comparison of perspectives of event construal. Cognitive Linguistics 35:4  pp. 547 ff. DOI logo
Rojo López, Ana María
2024.  Translating manner : the impact of violence on translation students’ strategies, affect and narrative transportation . Acta Linguistica Hafniensia  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Aveledo, Fraibet & Panos Athanasopoulos
2023. Bidirectional cross-linguistic influence in motion event conceptualisation in bilingual speakers of Spanish and English. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:1  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Chen, Shujun & Lihuan Wu
2023. Variable motion encoding within Chinese: a usage-based perspective. Language and Cognition 15:3  pp. 480 ff. DOI logo
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2023. L2 English learners’ verb lexicalization of motion events. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 21:1  pp. 266 ff. DOI logo
Müller, Henrik Høeg & Antonio Morata
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2023. How concept-based language instruction works in teaching thinking for speaking in an L2. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:1  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Thomsen, Ole Nedergaard
2023. Linguistic cognition and worldview. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 55:sup1  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Bassetti, Bene & Luna Filipović
2022. Researching language and cognition in bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism 26:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Becerra, Rodrigo, Jorge Osorio, Ítalo Cantarutti & Gabriel Llanquinao
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Menete, Sérgio N.
2022. Motion events in Changana spoken narrative. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 40:3  pp. 251 ff. DOI logo
Naidu, Viswanatha, Jordan Zlatev & Joost van de Weijer
2022. Typological features of Telugu: defining the parameters of post-Talmian motion event typology. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 54:2  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
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2022. Does dialect matter in the expression of motion? Ways of encoding manner and path in Babao and standard Mandarin. Lingua 270  pp. 103215 ff. DOI logo
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2021. Source-Goal (a)symmetries across languages. Studies in Language 45:1  pp. 2 ff. DOI logo
Molés-Cases, Teresa & Paula Cifuentes-Férez
2021. Translating narrative style. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19:2  pp. 517 ff. DOI logo
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Wang, Huili, Linxi Li, Xiaoli Yan & Manuel de Vega
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Zheng, Guofeng
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Akita, Kimi & Yo Matsumoto
2020. A fine-grained analysis of manner salience. In Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions [Human Cognitive Processing, 69],  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Goschler, Juliana, Christoph Schroeder & Till Woerfel
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Kawachi, Kazuhiro
2020. Should Talmy’s motion typology be expanded to visual motion?. In Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions [Human Cognitive Processing, 69],  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Matsumoto, Yo & Kazuhiro Kawachi
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Sung, Min-Chang
2020. Underuse of English verb–particle constructions in an L2 learner corpus: Focus on structural patterns and one-word preference. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 16:1  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Valenzuela, Javier & Daniel Alcaraz Carrión
2020. Temporal Expressions in English and Spanish: Influence of Typology and Metaphorical Construal. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Anastasio, Simona
2019. L’expression du déplacement en italien L2. Language, Interaction and Acquisition 10:2  pp. 204 ff. DOI logo
Feiz, Parastou
2019. Beyond motion: ‘Come’ and ‘go’ in Persian oral narratives. Linguistics 57:3  pp. 577 ff. DOI logo
Filipović, Luna & John A Hawkins
2019. The Complex Adaptive System Principles model for bilingualism: Language interactions within and across bilingual minds. International Journal of Bilingualism 23:6  pp. 1223 ff. DOI logo
Hovav, Malka Rappaport
2019. The change in Hebrew from a V-framed to an S-framed Language. In Language Contact, Continuity and Change in the Genesis of Modern Hebrew [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 256],  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Kecskes, Istvan
2019. English as a Lingua Franca, DOI logo
Kecskes, Istvan
2023. The Interplay of Linguistic, Conceptual, and Encyclopedic Knowledge in Meaning Construction and Comprehension. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context,  pp. 268 ff. DOI logo
Kecskes, Istvan
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2019. Contrastive semantics of human locomotion verbs. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 17:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Kudrnáčová, Naděžda
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Soroli, Efstathia, Maya Hickmann & Henriëtte Hendriks
2019. Casting an eye on motion events. In The Semantics of Dynamic Space in French [Human Cognitive Processing, 66],  pp. 250 ff. DOI logo
Wehmeyer, Ann
2019. Mimetic creativity in Japanese translations of Edgar Allen Poe. Japan Forum 31:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
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Georgakopoulos, Thanasis
2018. A frame-based approach to the source-goal asymmetry. Constructions and Frames 10:1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Molés-Cases, Teresa
2018. Some advances in the study of the translation of manner of motion events. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16:1  pp. 152 ff. DOI logo
Molés-Cases, Teresa
2020. Manner salience and translation: A case study based on a multilingual corpus of graphic novels. Lebende Sprachen 65:2  pp. 346 ff. DOI logo
Molés-Cases, Teresa
2020. On the translation of Manner-of-motion in comics. Languages in Contrast 20:1  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Molés-Cases, Teresa
2023. Reporting direct speech in Spanish and German. In Corpus Use in Cross-linguistic Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 113],  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Molés-Cases, Teresa
2023. Manner-of-speaking in a corpus-based translation study of narrative texts. Meta 67:2  pp. 432 ff. DOI logo
Akita, Kimi
2017. The typology of manner expressions. In Motion and Space across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 59],  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Andria, Maria & Raquel Serrano
2017. Developing new ‘thinking-for-speaking’ patterns in Greek as a foreign language: the role of proficiency and stays abroad. The Language Learning Journal 45:1  pp. 66 ff. DOI logo
Cadierno, Teresa
2017. Thinking for speaking about motion in a second language. In Motion and Space across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 59],  pp. 279 ff. DOI logo
Fanego, Teresa
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Hijazo-Gascón, Alberto
2017. Motion event contrasts in Romance languages. In Motion and Space across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 59],  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Hijazo-Gascón, Alberto
2018. Acquisition of motion events in L2 Spanish by German, French and Italian speakers. The Language Learning Journal 46:3  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Hijazo-Gascón, Alberto
2019. Translating accurately or sounding natural?. Pragmatics and Society 10:1  pp. 72 ff. DOI logo
Hijazo-Gascón, Alberto
2021. Translating accurately or sounding natural?. In Police Interviews [Benjamins Current Topics, 118],  pp. 73 ff. DOI logo
Huber, Judith
2017. The early life of borrowed path verbs in English. In Motion and Space across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 59],  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide
2017. Motion and semantic typology. In Motion and Space across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 59],  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide, Alberto Hijazo-Gascón & María-Teresa Moret-Oliver
2017. The importance of minority languages in motion event typology. In Motion and Space across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 59],  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
Lester, Richard
2017. There and back again – but how? Motion event encoding in the Chinese translation ofThe Hobbit. Linguistics 55:3  pp. 617 ff. DOI logo
León, José A. & Inmaculada Escudero
2017. Causal inferences in reading comprehension. In Reading Comprehension in Educational Settings [Studies in Written Language and Literacy, 16],  pp. 63 ff. DOI logo
Ortega, Samuel A. Navarro
2017. The Linguistic Expression of Motion in Language. In Comprehending and Speaking about Motion in L2 Spanish,  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Ortega, Samuel A. Navarro
2017. Sensitivity to the Path Conflation in Written L2 Spanish. In Comprehending and Speaking about Motion in L2 Spanish,  pp. 101 ff. DOI logo
Ortega, Samuel A. Navarro
2017. Motion-Event Descriptions a Recurrent Topic in Spanish Discourse. In Comprehending and Speaking about Motion in L2 Spanish,  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Ortega, Samuel A. Navarro
2017. Introduction. In Comprehending and Speaking about Motion in L2 Spanish,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2017. Motion for emotion: an empirical cross-linguistic study of conceptual construals. Language and Cognition 9:3  pp. 383 ff. DOI logo
Rojo, Ana & Paula Cifuentes-Férez
2017. On the reception of translations. In Motion and Space across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 59],  pp. 367 ff. DOI logo
Soroli, Efstathia & Annemarie Verkerk
2017. Motion events in Greek. CogniTextes :Volume 15 DOI logo
Tversky, Barbara & Tracy Chow
2017. Language and Culture in Visual Narratives. Cognitive Semiotics 10:2 DOI logo
van Putten, Saskia
2017. Motion in serializing languages revisited: The case of Avatime. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 70:2  pp. 303 ff. DOI logo
Hales, Liz & Luna Filipović
2016. Language rights in danger. In Endangered Languages and Languages in Danger [IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 42],  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Arslangul, Arnaud
2015. How French Learners of Chinese L2 Express Motion Events in Narratives. In Space and Quantification in Languages of China,  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Brown, Amanda
2015. Universal Development and L1–L2 Convergence in Bilingual Construal of Manner in Speech and Gesture in Mandarin, Japanese, and English. The Modern Language Journal 99:S1  pp. 66 ff. DOI logo
Cifuentes-Férez, Paula & Ana Rojo
2015. Thinking for translating. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 27:2  pp. 273 ff. DOI logo
Martínez Vázquez, Montserrat
2015. Satellite-framed patterns in Romance languages. Languages in Contrast 15:2  pp. 181 ff. DOI logo
Verkerk, Annemarie
2015. Where do all the motion verbs come from?. Diachronica 32:1  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
2015. Ways of crossing a spatial boundary in typologically distinct languages. Applied Psycholinguistics 36:2  pp. 485 ff. DOI logo
Cifuentes-Férez, Paula
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2024.  Approaching the emotional impact of loss of manner in translation: A case study on the reception of translated domestic violence testimonies . Acta Linguistica Hafniensia  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lewandowski, Wojciech
2014. The locative alternation in verb-framed vs. satellite-framed languages. Studies in Language 38:4  pp. 864 ff. DOI logo
Lewandowski, Wojciech
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2010. Event categorisation and language: A cross-linguistic study of motion. Language and Cognitive Processes 25:2  pp. 224 ff. DOI logo
Papafragou, Anna & Stathis Selimis
2010. Lexical and Structural Biases in the Acquisition of Motion Verbs. Language Learning and Development 6:2  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 18 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.