Part of
Learning, Keeping and Using Language: Selected papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987
Edited by M.A.K. Halliday †, John Gibbons and Howard Nicholas
[Not in series LKUL 2] 1990
► pp. 381384
Cited by (28)

Cited by 28 other publications

Başer, Zeynep & Caner Çetİner
2023. Examining translation behaviour of Turkish student translators in scientific text translation with think-aloud protocols. Meta 67:2  pp. 274 ff. DOI logo
Escalona Falcón, Clara Alina, Yaritza Tardo Fernández, Adrian Abreus González & Miguel Angel Chávez Caballero
2022. Modelo linguo-didáctico de la traducción desde el tratamiento a la ambigüedad léxico-semántica producida por falsas análogas. Signo y Pensamiento 41 DOI logo
Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana
2022. Can a corpus-driven lexical analysis of human and machine translation unveil discourse features that set them apart?. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 34:2  pp. 278 ff. DOI logo
Jiayi, Wang
2022. Measuring Student Translators’ Cognitive Effort with Pauses: A Comparative Analysis of Human Translation and MT Post-Editing. Communication and Linguistics Studies 8:4  pp. 80 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Yanxia, Xiangling Wang & Qingqing Yuan
2021. Measuring the usability of machine translation in the classroom context. Translation and Interpreting Studies 16:1  pp. 101 ff. DOI logo
Olalla-Soler, Christian
2019. Using translation strategies to solve cultural translation problems. Differences between students and professional translators. Perspectives 27:3  pp. 367 ff. DOI logo
Daems, Joke, Sonia Vandepitte, Robert J. Hartsuiker & Lieve Macken
2017. Identifying the Machine Translation Error Types with the Greatest Impact on Post-editing Effort. Frontiers in Psychology 8 DOI logo
Daems, Joke, Sonia Vandepitte, Robert J. Hartsuiker & Lieve Macken
2017. Translation Methods and Experience: A Comparative Analysis of Human Translation and Post-editing with Students and Professional Translators. Meta 62:2  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Marchand, Chantale
2017. De Bach à Saint Jérôme : la cognition musicale et la cognition traductionnelle dans une optique interdisciplinaire de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage. In Pour une interdisciplinarité réciproque,  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Massey, Gary
2017. Translation Competence Development and Process‐Oriented Pedagogy. In The Handbook of Translation and Cognition,  pp. 496 ff. DOI logo
Balling, Laura Winther, Kristian Tangsgaard Hvelplund & Annette C. Sjørup
2014. Evidence of Parallel Processing During Translation. Meta 59:2  pp. 234 ff. DOI logo
Bolaños-Medina, Alicia & Víctor González-Ruiz
2013. Deconstructing the Translation of Psychological Tests. Meta 57:3  pp. 715 ff. DOI logo
Annoni, Jean-Marie, Hannelore Lee-Jahnke & Annegret Sturm
2012. Neurocognitive Aspects of Translation. Meta 57:1  pp. 96 ff. DOI logo
Garbovskiy, Nikolay & Olga Kostikova
2012. Science of Translation Today: Change of Scientific Paradigm. Meta 57:1  pp. 48 ff. DOI logo
Malkiel, Brenda
2009. When Idioti (Idiotic) Becomes “Fluffy”: Translation Students and the Avoidance of Target-language Cognates. Meta 54:2  pp. 309 ff. DOI logo
Albir, Amparo Hurtado
2007. Competence-based Curriculum Design for Training Translators. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 1:2  pp. 163 ff. DOI logo
Hurtado Albir, Amparo
2009. Compétence en traduction et formation par compétences. TTR 21:1  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Kim, Ryonhee
2006. Use of Extralinguistic Knowledge in Translation. Meta 51:2  pp. 284 ff. DOI logo
Asadi, Paula & Candace Séguinot
2005. Shortcuts, Strategies and General Patterns in a Process Study of Nine Professionals. Meta 50:2  pp. 522 ff. DOI logo
Hébert-Malloch, Louise
2005. What Do We Know About a Translator’s Day?. Meta 49:4  pp. 973 ff. DOI logo
Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore
2005. New Cognitive Approaches in Process-Oriented Translation Training. Meta 50:2  pp. 359 ff. DOI logo
Rydning, Antin Fougner
2005. Le défi du procédé synecdoquien en traduction. Meta 49:4  pp. 856 ff. DOI logo
Rydning, Antin Fougner
2009. La démarche de l’expert-traducteur face à un problème de reformulation. Meta 53:4  pp. 748 ff. DOI logo
Colina, Sonia
2002. Second Language Acquisition, Language Teaching and Translation Studies. The Translator 8:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Halverson, Sandra L.
1997. The Concept of Equivalence in Translation Studies. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 9:2  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Fraser, Janet
1996. The Translator Investigated. The Translator 2:1  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
D’hulst, Lieven
1992. Sur le rôle des métaphores en traductologie contemporaine. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 4:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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