Learning, Keeping and Using Language

Selected papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987

2 Volumes (set)

ISBN 9789027220714 (Eur) | EUR 285.00
ISBN 9781556191008 (USA) | USD 428.00
PaperbackOther edition available
ISBN 9789027212603
This two-volume collection brings together papers first presented at the AILA Congress in 1987. In volume I, the overall focus is on the individual language learner, and how that individual develops a command of a language (first or second) in home and classroom settings. The papers in the second volume are concerned with communities and discuss both the nature of, and reasons for, language maintenance and shift. Papers were selected that would provide a sense of present achievement and future directions in applied linguistics, and will be of interest to all those who wish to discover more about this area.
[Not in series, LKUL S] 1990.  xx, 508 + xvi, 488 pp.
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