ESP in European Higher Education
Integrating language and content
The Bologna Reform has been implemented in a large part of the European Union and it is time to take a short pause to reflect over some of the lessons learned up to now. The aim of this book is to share experiences and reflections on English for Specific Purposes pedagogy in Western European higher education. Taking as a starting point the development of the EU policies during the past couple of decades and their national implementations, the chapters in this book provide various perspectives, both theoretical and practical, on the ways in which the reform has been implemented and its effects on the teaching of ESP. Experiences of developing programmes and courses incorporating Content and Language Integrated Learning and Autonomous and Lifelong Learning are described, as well as Problem-Based Learning and Process-Genre Pedagogies. The book also includes chapters on the crucial, but often neglected issue of teacher support in meeting the challenges of teaching content through the medium of English.
[AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 4] 2008. vi, 285 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 September 2008
Published online on 19 September 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Introduction | pp. 1–7
Part I. ESP/EAP in Western Europe post Bologna
1. The state of ESP teaching and learning in Western European higher education after BolognaChristine A. Räisänen and Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez | pp. 11–51
Part II. Theoretical and educational approaches to the teaching/learning of ESP/EAP
2. Locating the ESP space in problem-based learning: English-medium degree programmes from a post-Bologna perspectiveRobert Wilkinson | pp. 55–73
3. Aligning EAP writing pedagogies across European universities: A case study from FranceDacia Dressen-Hammouda | pp. 75–96
4. Curriculum change as a result of the introduction of the masters program: Designing and implementing a European online thesis training courseR.E. Lankamp | pp. 97–115
5. Tackling transfer and transferability: ESP/EAP design for learning beyond templatesAnn-Marie Eriksson and Magnus Gustafsson | pp. 117–143
Part III. Integrating content and language (national adaptations)
6. Content learning in business communication: A teaching experience within the new European frameworkMiguel F. Ruiz-Garrido and Juan Carlos Palmer-Silveira | pp. 147–164
7. Business English and the Bologna Declaration in the Netherlands: Integrating business communication practice, content and researchBrigitte Planken and Catherine C. Nickerson | pp. 165–179
8. Business is booming: Rethinking business presentations in response to the Bologna ReformsColette Gattoni | pp. 181–197
9. Implementing the Bologna process in Italy: A distinctive approach to language learning in domain-specific contextsMartin Solly | pp. 199–211
10. Learning to learn in ESP: Fostering lifelong learning in European higher education under Bologna requirementsAna Bocanegra-Valle | pp. 213–232
11. On the role of student research in the ESP classroom: A call for sustainable language skillsSylvana Krausse | pp. 233–243
Part IV. English as the medium of teaching and communication: Courses for staff
12. Tuning ESP/EAP for mobility, employability and expertise: A pedagogical process of change in focus, insight, and practiceAnne Räsänen | pp. 247–266
13. Preparing for international masters degrees at Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology in StockholmPhilip Shaw, Carol Benson, Sandra Brunsberg, Rosalind Duhs and David Minugh | pp. 267–282
Index | pp. 283–285
“For ESP instructors, and anyone interested in the current status of higher education within Western Europe, this book will be very informative. It is well-organized and describes the challenges and successes of the Bologna reform from the perspective of those actively trying to implement it.”
Iris F. Levitis, Rostock, in eLanguage, 8 December 2010
“This is a timely book. European universities are currently restructuring their curricula on a grand scale and the envisaged internationalisation requires new language policies. This book gives insights into how people in different national and disciplinary contexts rise to the challenge. Read it!”
Christiane Dalton-Puffer, University of Vienna (Austria)
“The important spread of English in Higher Education in Europe has so far been very little examined and this volume is a timely and very valuable contribution to its study. This book provides the necessary theoretical background for the integration of content and language at the university level and reports the challenges of having English as the language of instruction. I strongly recommend it to researchers and language planners in universities and colleges in Europe and elsewhere in the world.”
Jasone Cenoz, Professor of Education, University of the Basque Country (Spain)
“The breadth and depth of the authors' accounts of their own experiences to integrate content teaching and English and the universality of the linguistic, educational and political issues raised, make this book unique in the literature and essential reading for teachers, researchers and legislators working in ESP instruction at university level within and beyond European borders.”
Elena Bárcena, Universidad Nacional de Educación de Distancia (Spain), in Iberica Vol. 18, 2009
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Main BIC Subject
CJA: Language teaching theory & methods
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