Diachronic Developments in English News Discourse
The history of English news discourse is characterised by intriguing multilevel developments, and the present cannot be separated from them. For example, audience engagement is by no means an invention of the digital age. This collection highlights major topics that range from newspaper genres like sports reports, advertisements and comic strips to a variety of news practices. All contributions view news discourse in a specific historical period or across time and relate language features to their sociohistorical contexts and changing ideologies. The varying needs and expectations of the newspaper producers, writers and readers, and even news agents, are taken into account. The articles use interdisciplinary study methods and move at interfaces between sociolinguistics, journalism, semiotics, literary theory, critical discourse analysis, pragmatics and sociology.
[Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics, 6] 2017. vii, 301 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 9 August 2017
Published online on 9 August 2017
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. English news discourse from newsbooks to new mediaMaura Ratia, Minna Palander-Collin and Irma Taavitsainen | pp. 3–12
Part I. Changing or maintaining conventions?
Chapter 2. Of hopes and plans: Newsmakers’ metadiscourse at the dawn of the newspaper ageBirte Bös | pp. 15–37
Chapter 3. Religious lexis and political ideology in English Civil War newsbooks: A corpus-based analysis of Mercurius Aulicus and Mercurius BritanicusElisabetta Cecconi | pp. 39–60
Chapter 4. Contemporary observations on the attention value and selling power of English print advertisements (1700–1760)Nicholas Brownlees | pp. 61–79
Chapter 5. A modest proposal in The Gentleman’s Magazine : A peculiar eighteenth-century advertisementHoward Sklar and Irma Taavitsainen | pp. 81–96
Chapter 6. Lexical bundles in news discourse 1784–1983Ying Wang | pp. 97–116
Part II. Widening audiences
Chapter 7. British popular newspaper traditions: From the nineteenth century to the first tabloidMartin Conboy | pp. 119–136
Chapter 8. The Poor Man’s Guardian: The linguistic construction of social groups and their relationsClaudia Claridge | pp. 137–155
Chapter 9. Diffusing political knowledge in illustrated magazines: A comparison between the Portuguese O Panorama and the British The Penny Magazine in 1837–1844Jorge Pedro Sousa, Elsa Simões Lucas Freitas and Sandra Gonçalves Tuna | pp. 157–173
Chapter 10. From adverts to letters to the editor: External voicing in early sports match announcementsJan Chovanec | pp. 175–197
Chapter 11. The public identity of Jack the Ripper in late nineteenth-century British newspapersMinna Nevala | pp. 199–216
Part III. New practices
Chapter 12. Narrative vs. “objective” style: Notes on the style of news (agency) reports on violence in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuryMaija Stenvall | pp. 219–240
Chapter 13. Astride two worlds: Emergence of Italian-American identity in the Massachusetts immigrant pressJohn M. Ryan | pp. 241–265
Chapter 14. Newspaper funnies at the dawn of modernity: Multimodal humour in early American comic stripsIsabel Ermida | pp. 267–293
“[C]learly fills important gaps in research on English news language. This volume should be of interest not only to scholars specializing in the language of news texts, but also to researchers in fields such as Late Modern English studies and genre studies.”
Erik Smitterberg, Uppsala University, in Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 2019
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Communication Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009030: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Pragmatics