The Phonological Spectrum

2 Volumes (set)

ORCID logoJeroen van de Weijer | Universiteit Leiden
ORCID logoVincent J. van Heuven | Universiteit Leiden
Harry van der Hulst | University of Connecticut, Storrs
ISBN 9789027247469 (Eur) | EUR 230.00
ISBN 9781588113535 (USA) | USD 345.00
The two volumes of the Phonological Spectrum aim at giving a comprehensive overview of current developments in phonological theory, by providing a number of papers in different areas of current theorizing which reflect on particular problems from different angles.

Volume I is concerned with segmental structure, and focuses on nasality, voicing and other laryngeal features, as well as segmental timing. With respect to nasality, questions such as the phonetic underpinning of a distinctive feature [nasal] and the treatment of nasal harmony are treated. As for voicing, the behaviour of voicing assimilation in Dutch is covered while its application in German is examined with an eye to its implications for the stratification of the German lexicon. In the final section of volume I, the structure of diphthongs is examined, as well as the treatment of lenition and the relation between phonetic and phonological specification in sign language.

Volume II deals with phonological structure above the segmental level, in particular with syllable structure, metrical structure and sentence-level prosodic structure. Different syllable structure theories, as well as possible relations between segment structure and syllabic structure, and evidence from language acquisition and aphasia are examined in section 1. Metrical structure is examined in papers on foot structure, and, experimentally, on word stress in Indonesian. Finally in this volume, there are three laboratory-phonological reports on the intonation of Dutch.

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 233-234] 2003.  x, 308 pp. & x, 264 pp.
Publishing status:
“[...] the two volumes collect a range of interesting papers which are generally of high quality and which raise a variety of issues that are central in phonological theory today, from division of labour between phonetics and phonology or representational issues to questions of constraint interaction.”



Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General