Handbook of Pragmatics
23rd Annual Installment
This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access – for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language – to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use.
The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995.
Also available as Online Resource: https://benjamins.com/online/hop
Published online on 22 November 2020
Table of Contents
Editors’ note | pp. vii–ix
User’s guide | pp. xi–xiii
Methods in language-attitudes researchTore Kristiansen | pp. 3–38
Membership categorisation analysisKarin Idevall Hagren | pp. 41–55
Handbook A–Z
Argument structureAdele E. Goldberg | pp. 59–75
Caste and languageRukmini Bhaya Nair | pp. 77–110
Embodied interactionEmily Hofstetter and Leelo Keevallik | pp. 111–138
HegemonyHartmut Haberland | pp. 139–155
HumorSalvatore Attardo | pp. 155–183
Institutional interactionAino Koivisto and Jarkko Niemi | pp. 183–202
Pluricentric languagesCatrin Norrby, Jan Lindström, Jenny Nilsson and Camilla Wide | pp. 201–222
UniversalsWilliam B. McGregor | pp. 221–245
Cumulative index