ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Volume 67-68 (1985)
1985. ca. 266 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
EditorialNicole Delbecque | pp. 1–7
Development of writing skills in young second language learnersMichael Clyne | pp. 9–24
Speech Processing in Cochlear ImplantationRené Collier, Johan Lammens & Jean Marquet | pp. 25–41
Definition of a Pedagogical Grammar: (seen from a linguist's point of view)René Dirven | pp. 43–67
A Note on the Adaptation of English Loanwords in Polish: VerbsJacek Fisiak | pp. 69–75
Produktnarnen Eine eigene Subklasse konkreter Substantive?Christoph Gutknecht & Erwin WEHKING | pp. 77–89
It's a fixed word order language is EnglishM.A.K. Halliday | pp. 91–116
Some Observations on Word Frequencies in Three Corpora of Present-Day English TextsStig Johansson | pp. 117–126
Linguistic Integrality: Research MethodologyW. KÜhlwein | pp. 127–140
How 'Native' Can (or Should) a Non-native Speaker be?Gerhard Nickel | pp. 141–160
A Modular Approach to the Grammar of English Demonstrative DeterminersY. Putseys | pp. 161–183
Looking back at Case GrammarGünter Radden | pp. 185–199
Psycho-Educational Language Assessment in the Brussels Bicultural Education ProjectMarc Spoelders | pp. 201–216
Graded Objectives for Foreign Language Teaching in the Netherlands: An Autonomous StructureT.J.M. Van Els | pp. 217–246
Realistic and Unrealistic Linguistic ProgrammesYorick Wilks | pp. 247–255
Knack or Toil?J. Wilmots | pp. 257–266
Main BIC Subject
CJ: Language teaching & learning (other than ELT)
Main BISAC Subject
LAN020000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Study & Teaching