Memory and memorialization

Special issue of Linguistic Landscape 2:3 (2016)

ORCID logoEliezer Ben-Rafael | Tel-Aviv University
ORCID logoElana Shohamy | Tel-Aviv University
[Linguistic Landscape, 2:3] 2016.  v, 104 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 23 December 2016
Table of Contents
Eliezer Ben-Rafael
Shop sign as monument: The discursive recontextualization of a neon sign
Jackie Jia Lou
Connecting visual presents to archival pasts in multilingual California: Towards historical depth in Linguistic Landscape
Robert W. Train
The Historical Memory Law and its role in redesigning semiotic cityscapes in Spain: A case study from Granada
Yael Guilat and Antonio B. Espinosa-Ramírez
Linguistic Landscape as standing historical testimony of the struggle against colonization in Ethiopia
Hirut Woldemaram
Schöneberg: Memorializing the persecution of Jews
Eliezer Ben-Rafael and Miriam Ben-Rafael
Cited by (2)

Cited by two other publications

Ferrari, Simone
2021. Armed conflict and resistance in indigenous Colombia. In Linguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 35],  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Kelleher, William
2017. Les Linguistic Landscape Studies. Langage et société N° 160-161:2  pp. 337 ff. DOI logo

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Communication Studies

Communication Studies

Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General