Distributed Cognition

Special issue of Pragmatics & Cognition 14:2 (2006)

Stevan Harnad | University of Southampton
ORCID logoItiel E. Dror | University of Southampton
Cognition is thinking, and thinking has been distributed for millions of years – for as long as our species has had language and tools to help us interact and collaborate and achieve far more than any of us could have done individually. But something radically new is happening to distributed cognition in recent years. With advanced technologies and especially computers and the Worldwide Web cognition can be distributed in new ways. New technologies enable new ways of interaction and distribution of cognition not only among people, but also between people and machines. This not only opens new ways to coordinate activities, but creates opportunities for new modalities of cognition to emerge. This Special Issue examines the nature of the phenomenon of distributed cognition, asks whether and how it is possible, proposes conceptual frameworks for its study and development, presents state-of-the-art technologies in this field, and looks forward at its prospects.
[Pragmatics & Cognition, 14:2] 2006.  268 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 September 2006
Table of Contents
Call for Papers: Learning Technologies and Cognition*
Distributed cognition: Cognizing, autonomy and the Turing Test
Stevan Harnad and Itiel E. Dror
A framework for thinking about distributed cognition
Pierre Poirier and Guillaume Chicoisne
Distributed cognition: Domains and dimensions
John Sutton
Distributed cognition: A methodological note
David Kirsh
Radical changes in cognitive process due to technology: A jaundiced view
Arthur M. Glenberg
The grounding and sharing of symbols
Angelo Cangelosi
Collaborative tagging as distributed cognition
Luc Steels
Thinking in groups
Todd M. Gureckis and Robert L. Goldstone
Distributed learning and mutual adaptation
Daniel L. Schwartz and Taylor Martin
Distributed cognition, representation, and affordance
Jiajie Zhang and Vimla L. Patel
Categorization and technology innovation
Jeffrey M. Stibel
Crime scene investigation as distributed cognition
Chris Baber, Paul Smith, James Cross, John E. Hunter and Richard McMaster
Web search engines and distributed assessment systems
Christophe Heintz
Speech transformation solutions
Dimitri Kanevsky, Sara Basson, Alexander Faisman, Leonid Rachevsky, Alex Zlatsin and Sarah Conrod
Computer-aided translation as a distributed cognitive task
Barbara Dragsted
Cited by (1)

Cited by one other publication

Abrahamson, Dor & Raúl Sánchez-García
2016. Learning Is Moving in New Ways: The Ecological Dynamics of Mathematics Education. Journal of the Learning Sciences 25:2  pp. 203 ff. DOI logo

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Main BIC Subject

JM: Psychology

Main BISAC Subject

PSY000000: PSYCHOLOGY / General