ISBN 9789027295071 | EUR115.00/44.00* | USD173.00/66.00*
Theory and history combine in this book to form a coherent narrative of the debates on language and languages in the Western world, from ancient classic philosophy to the present, with a final glance at on-going discussions on language as a cognitive tool, on its bodily roots and philogenetic role.
An introductory chapter reviews the epistemological areas that converge into, or contribute to, language philosophy, and discusses their methods, relations, and goals. In this context, the status of language philosophy is discussed in its relation to the sciences and the arts of language. Each chapter is followed by a list of suggested readings that refer the reader to the final bibliography.
About the author: Lia Formigari, Professor Emeritus at University of Rome, La Sapienza. Her publications include: Language and Experience in XVIIth-century British Philosophy. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1988; Signs, Science and Politics. Philosophies of Language in Europe 1700–1830. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1993; La sémiotique empiriste face au kantisme. Liège: Mardaga, 1994.
“Even at the structural level, this book instructs us. As anyone reading HL will know, the history of Western linguistic ideas has become un unmanageably vast field. [...] These chapters do not present a comprehensive history of linguistic thought during the period in question; nor could they. However, the discussion of each period is so well-directed that the reader will come away with the kind of insight into the intellectual history of the period that is nearly impossible to distill from the overwhelming wealth of information provided by the more comprehensive histories.”
Talbot J. Taylor, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, USA, in Historiographia Linguistica Vol. 34:2/3 (2007)
“[...] le lecteur ne peut quádmirer la montée en puissance des analyses de Lia Formigari, à travers une étonnante diversité d'auteurs, tout en restant, pour chacun d'entre eux, le temps nécessaire pour la compréhension de leur pensée.”
Jacques Guilhaumou,ENS/LSH, Lyon, in Histoire Épistémologie Langage, Vol. 28:1 (2006)
Cited by (10)
Cited by ten other publications
Cooper, Zachary J.
2020. The Initial Farming Population of the Northern Rio Grande: A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Journal of Anthropological Research 76:4 ► pp. 439 ff.
Villagrán Moreno, J. M. & Rogelio Luque
2020. Psychogenesis: Conceptual Analysis. In Rethinking Psychopathology [Theory and History in the Human and Social Sciences, ], ► pp. 103 ff.
Wolff, Tristram
2016. Arbitrary, Natural, Other: J. G. Herder and Ideologies of Linguistic Will. European Romantic Review 27:2 ► pp. 259 ff.
Stanton, Robert
2015. Mimicry, Subjectivity, and the Embodied Voice in Anglo-Saxon Bird Riddles. In Voice and Voicelessness in Medieval Europe, ► pp. 29 ff.
2011. Semantic Information and the Correctness Theory of Truth. Erkenntnis 74:2 ► pp. 147 ff.
Ventura, Renato
2010. L'ALTER ECO. L'ANIMALE SEMANTICO NE LA MISTERIOSA FIAMMA DELLA REGINA LOANA. Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 44:2 ► pp. 452 ff.
Auroux, Sylvain
2007. I. La question de l'origine des langues. In La question de l’origine des langues [Quadrige, ], ► pp. 19 ff.
Guilhaumou, Jacques
2006. Références bibliographiques. In Discours et événement, ► pp. 223 ff.
Guilhaumou, Jacques
2012. Valentin Nikolaevic Vološinov (Vološinov), Marxisme et philosophie du langage. Les problèmes fondamentaux de la méthode sociologique dans la science du langage. Semen :33 ► pp. 195 ff.
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