Language and Experience in 17th-Century British Philosophy
The focus of this volume is the crisis of the traditional view of the relationship between words and things and the emergence of linguistic arbitrarism in 17th-century British philosophy. Different groups of sources are explored: philological and antiquarian writings, pedagogical treatises, debates on the respective merits of the liberal and mechanical arts, essays on cryptography and the art of gestures, polemical pamphlets on university reform, universal language scheme, and philosophical analyses of the conduct of the understanding. In the late 17th-century the philosophy of mind discards both the correspondence of predicamental series to reality and the archetypal metaphysics underpinning it. This is a turning point in semantic theory: language is conceived as the social construction of historical-conventional objects through signs and the study of strategies we use to bridge the gap between the privacy of experience and the publicness of speech emerges as one of the main topics in the philosophy of language.
[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 48] 1988. viii, 178 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 3 October 2011
Published online on 3 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements | p. vii
0. Introduction
Francis Bacon and the Renaissance Linguistic Tradition | p. 1
1.0 Language and the languages | p. 15
1.1 The language of nature
1.2 The filiation of languages
1.3 The foundations of grammar: language and reason's ‘strict copulation’
2.0 The reconstruction of linguistic unity | p. 51
2.1 Communication and the reform of learning
2.2 Artificial vs. natural language
2.3 Towards a ‘Lexicon exemplare’
3.0 Semiotics and the theory of knowledge | p. 91
3.1 Semantics vs. metaphysics
3.2 Semiotic logic and the theory of meaning
3.3 Language and the ‘way of ideas’
Concluding remarks | p. 133
A. Primary sources | p. 137
B. Secondary sources | p. 152
Index of names | p. 171
Index of subjects | p. 177
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General