Translation Spaces | A multidisciplinary, multimedia, and multilingual journal of translation
Main information
Translation Spaces is a biannual, peer-reviewed, indexed journal that recognizes the global impact of translation. It envisions translation as multi-dimensional phenomena productively studied (from) within complex spaces of encounter between knowledge, values, beliefs, and practices. These translation spaces -virtual and physical- are multidisciplinary, multimedia, and multilingual. They are the frontiers being explored by scholars investigating where and how translation practice and theory interact most dramatically with the evolving landscape of contemporary globalization.
The journal actively encourages researchers from diverse domains such as communication studies, technology, economics, commerce, law, politics, news, entertainment, and the sciences to engage in translation scholarship. It explicitly aims to stimulate an ongoing interdisciplinary and inter-professional dialogue among diverse communities of research and practice.
Translation Spaces publishes two issues per year. The first issue (1) is open for thematic proposals from potential guest editors. The second issue (2) welcomes submissions that consider translation in terms of global dynamics impacted by the technologies used in diverse social, cultural, political, and legal settings, and by which they are transformed.
Translation Spaces publishes its articles Online First.
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21 November 2024
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9 January 2024
19 December 2023
16 November 2023
13 November 2023
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24 February 2022
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1 June 2021
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8 December 2020
6 November 2020
27 October 2020
17 August 2020
14 January 2020
5 November 2019
26 June 2019
28 November 2018
10 August 2018
4 December 2017
26 October 2017
6 December 2016
20 October 2016
28 January 2016
Volumes and issues
Online-first articlesVolume 13 (2024)
Volume 12 (2023)
Volume 11 (2022)
Volume 10 (2021)
Volume 9 (2020)
Volume 8 (2019)
Volume 7 (2018)
Volume 6 (2017)
Volume 5 (2016)
Volume 4 (2015)
Volume 3 (2014)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2012)
Subscription Info
General information about our electronic journals.
Subscription rates
All prices for print + online include postage/handling.
Online-only | Print + online | ||
Volume 14 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 320 pp. | EUR |
Volume 13 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 320 pp. | EUR |
Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.
Available back-volumes
Online-only | Print + online | ||
Complete backset (Vols. 1‒12; 2012‒2023) |
21 issues; 3,480 pp. |
EUR 2,282.00 | EUR 2,590.00 |
Volume 12 (2023) | 2 issues; 320 pp. | EUR |
Volumes 9‒11 (2020‒2022) | 2 issues; avg. 320 pp. | EUR |
Volume 8 (2019) | 2 issues; 320 pp. | EUR |
Volume 7 (2018) | 2 issues; 320 pp. | EUR |
Volume 6 (2017) | 2 issues; 320 pp. | EUR |
Volume 5 (2016) | 2 issues; 320 pp. | EUR |
Volume 4 (2015) | 2 issues; 320 pp. | EUR |
Volume 3 (2014) | 1 issue; 200 pp. | EUR |
Volume 2 (2013) | 1 issue; 200 pp. | EUR |
Volume 1 (2012) | 1 issue; 200 pp. | EUR |
Please consult the Translation Spaces journal guidelines before you submit your article.
Please submit articles through the John Benjamins Publishing Editorial Manager system.
For any other editorial correspondence, please contact the general editors by e-mail:
Dorothy Kenny
Dublin City University
Joss Moorkens
Dublin City University
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Open Access
Articles accepted for this journal can be made Open Access through payment of an Article Publication Charge (APC) of EUR 1800 (excl. tax). To arrange this, please contact once your paper has been accepted for publication. More information can be found on the publisher's Open Access Policy page.
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Call for Papers
Translation Spaces is currently accepting submissions that may be considered for online first publication and print publication in our forthcoming non-thematic issues.
Special Issue 14 (1) of Translation Spaces, entitled Is machine translation translation? Exploring conceptualizations of translation in a digitally saturated world --to be published in July 2025-- is now also calling for proposals (max. 500 words).
These should be submitted for review no later than 30 November 2022.
The full Call for Abstracts for this guest-edited issue and instructions for submission of proposals are available here.
1. Language and spelling
- Articles should be in English.
- Spelling and style should be consistently either British or American throughout.
- If you are not a native user of English, you should have your paper checked by an English language professional before submitting it.
2. Article structure and length
Structure your submission as follows:
- A. title
- B. abstract of no more than 150 words
- C. maximum of 5 keywords
- D. body of article
- E. all references
- F. appendices, if any
The total word count for A through to F should be between 7,000 and 8,000 words. Submissions exceeding 8,000 words will not be considered for review.
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- Do not use running heads. For articles with long titles (which in general should be avoided), a shortened version (max. 55 characters + spaces), to be used as running head, may be provided on the cover sheet of your paper.
- Notes should be kept to a minimum and should be submitted as footnotes (no Roman numbers for footnotes!).
4.1. Fonts and font sizes
- Body of text, Times (New) Roman 12 pts.
- Tables and footnotes, Times Roman 10 pts.
- Absolute lowest size for special cases, 8 pts.
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4.4. Headings
Articles should be conveniently divided into sections and, if necessary, sub-sections. Please try not to use more than three levels. Please mark section headings as follows:
Level 1
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Level 2 italics, one line space before, section number flush left. Text starts immediately below.
Level 3 italics, one line space before, section number flush left. End heading with period, start text in the same line.
- If you are not going to cross reference within your article, you don't really need to number your headings. If you do, numbering should be in Arabic numerals.
- Do not use italics for numbering; use full stops between numbers and after the last number, thus: Section 1. ..., Section 2.3.1. ...., etc. However, do not enter a full stop after the last number when referencing (e.g., "see section 2.3.1").
'Single quotes' Use them for conventionally used terms or expressions (e.g., ‘context of situation’). They may also be used as ‘scare quotes’ to focus attention on a particular word or expression.
"Double quotes" Always use them for directly quoted forms and expressions. In-text quotations should be given in double quotation marks.
Quotations longer than three lines should be set off from the main text by a line of space above and below. Also, they should be indented 1 cm left and right, without quotation marks, followed by the appropriate reference to the source on a separate line (left adjusted, indented 1 cm).
To provide a translation of a quote in a language other than English, please put the translation in square brackets under the original quote and then add the source of the translation in parentheses, e.g. "(my translation)" (without quotation marks).
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- Lists that run on with the main text may be numbered using parentheses: (1)..............; (2)............., etc.
- Lists placed apart should not be indented. If numbered, please do it as follows:
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2. (or b. .......................) - If you need to set more than one list close to each other, please alternate between Arabic numerals and lowercase letters. That is, one list would have all items with numbers, the next one would have all items marked with letters, the third one with numbers again, etc.
- Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses, thus: (1) ...; (2) ...; etc.
- Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively.
4.7. Examples
- Examples in languages other than English should be in italics; an approximate translation should be provided.
- Between the original and the translation lines, a line with glosses may be added. In cases of more divergent languages, a line containing a morphemic breakdown may also be provided. Such interlinear information is given without punctuation or highlighting. For the abbreviations in the interlinear gloss, please use small caps and not CAPS. Please use the Leipzig Glossing Rules (
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Funding information should be provided if funding was received through a grant for the research that is discussed in the article, including funder name and grant number, in a separate section called "Funding information" before (an Acknowledgment section and) the References.
4.10. Acknowledgments
Acknowledgments (other than funding information, see above) should be added in a separate, unnumbered section entitled "Acknowledgments", placed before the References.
5. Citations and references
NOTEIt is essential that the references are formatted to the specifications given in these guidelines, as these cannot be formatted automatically. This Journal uses the ‘Author-Date’ style as described in the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
5.1. Varia
References in the text . These should be as precise as possible, giving page references where necessary; for example (Clahsen 1991, 252) or: as in Brown et al. (1991, 252). Separate multiple citations within parentheses with a semicolon, listed first alphabetically and then chronologically, as in (Brown et al. 1991, 252; Clahsen 1991, 252).
References section . References should be listed first alphabetically and then chronologically. The section should include all (and only!) references that are actually mentioned in the text.
References should
- give the names of journals in full, with page references for quoted articles.
- be listed alphabetically in accordance with the authors’ last names. Authors’ names should be given with full first name(s) except in cases where authors consistently use initials only.
- be listed chronologically in ascending chronological order (starting with the earliest publications).
- not use abbreviations for names of publishers (other than dropping ‘Inc.’ etc.), titles of journals, state names (ex. NY), or use postal codes.
- include English translations of titles not in English, between square brackets, right after the original title.
Ordering references. In cases where two or more papers by the same author are cited, please place them in ascending chronological order, i.e., starting with the author’s earliest publication. If an author has published singly and jointly, then the multiple-author publications should follow the single-author ones (alphabetically and chronologically).
Special care. This is a journal for Translation Studies. Special attention should be devoted to enter the correct spelling of any and all names of authors and editors. Also, please make sure that you understand the naming conventions in languages other than English so that you don't list or name an author with an incorrect name or surname. Finally, do not forget to include the names of translators in any entry of a reference that has them.
5.2. Examples
Görlach, Manfred. 2003. English Words Abroad. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Spear, Norman E., and Ralph R. Miller (eds). 1981. Information Processing in Animals: Memory Mechanisms. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Articles/chapters in book
Adams, Clare A., and Anthony Dickinson. 1981. “Actions and Habits: Variation in Associative Representation during Instrumental Learning.” In Information Processing in Animals: Memory Mechanisms, edited by Norman E. Spear, and Ralph R. Miller, 143–186. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Articles in printed journal
Claes, Jeroen, and Luis A. Ortiz López. 2011. “Restricciones pragmáticas y sociales en la expresión de futuridad en el español de Puerto Rico [Pragmatic and social restrictions in the expression of the future in Puerto Rican Spanish].” Spanish in Context 8: 50–72.
Rayson, Paul, Geoffrey N. Leech, and Mary Hodges. 1997. “Social Differentiation in the Use of English Vocabulary: Some Analyses of the Conversational Component of the British National Corpus.” International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 2 (1): 120–132.
Articles in online journal
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a permanent ID that, when appended to in the address bar of an Internet browser, will lead to the source. As per Chicago Manual of Style, pleaseinclude a DOI if the journal lists one. You will be able to find most DOI at Crossref ( If no DOI is available, list a URL and include an access date.
Kossinets, Gueorgi, and Duncan J. Watts. 2009. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network.” American Journal of Sociology 115:405–50. DOI 10.1086/599247.
Dynamic Language. 2010. “Google Puts Pressure on Interpreting Industry?” Dynamic Language Blog. Accessed June 1, 2012.
Dissertation or Thesis
Atkinson, David P. 2007. Some Psychological Competences That Predict Freelance Translator Success and Wellbeing in the Demanding Globalised Business Context. Masters Thesis, University of Auckland.
For more details and examples, consult the Chicago Manual of Style.