Astronomy ‘playne and simple’
The writing of science between 1700 and 1900
Including CD-Rom: A Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy (CETA)
This volume includes methodological considerations and descriptions of some of the texts compiled in The Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy (CETA), together with a number of pilot studies using these texts showing how the corpus can be used to investigate English Astronomy writing between 1700 and 1900, from a synchronic and a diachronic perspective.
CETA is part of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC). Since the CC was designed in 2003 with a sampling method by which extracts of 10,000 words were selected, this method has been followed in CETA, with samples from 42 different authors both from Europe and North America. Some extralinguistic parameters, such as year of publication, sex, geographical provenance and text-types/genres have been considered for text selection. According to late Modern English text typology, the samples in CETA can be grouped in eight different categories and such categories, as well as some other metadata information, can be used to search the corpus.
CETA, together with the Coruña Corpus Tool purpose-designed software by IrLab, was originally made available with the volume on CD-rom. As of early 2019, these are also accessible online at the Repositorio Universidade Coruña: CCT at CETA at
Published online on 20 October 2017
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | p. v
PrefaceLuis Iglesias Rábade | pp. ix–xi
1. Late Modern English in its historical contextJoan C. Beal | pp. 1–14
2. Astronomy as scientific knowledge in Modern EnglandBegoña Crespo | pp. 15–34
3. CETA as a tool for the study of modern astronomy in EnglishIsabel Moskowich | pp. 35–56
4. Astronomical discourse in 18th and 19th century texts: A new-born model in the transmission of scienceBegoña Crespo | pp. 57–78
5. Patterns of English scientific writing in the 18th century: Adjectives and other building-blocksIsabel Moskowich | pp. 79–92
6. Accounting for observations of the heavens in the 18th century: New nouns to explain old phenomenaGonzalo Camiña Rioboo | pp. 93–122
7. Subject specific vocabulary in astronomy texts: A diachronic survey of the Corpus of English Texts on AstronomyPascual Cantos Gómez and Nila Vázquez | pp. 123–154
8. A corpus-driven analysis of complex predicates in 18th century scientific writings in CETAInés Lareo | pp. 155–180
9. The emergence and evolution of the pattern N + PREP + V-ing in historical scientific textsBethany Gray and Douglas Biber | pp. 181–198
10. An analysis of hedging in eighteenth century English astronomy textsFrancisco Alonso-Almeida | pp. 199–220
11. Thematic structure in eighteenth century astronomical texts: A study of a small sample of articles from the Corpus of English Texts on AstronomyDavid Banks | pp. 221–238
Index | pp. 239–240
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