Grammar of Spoken and Written English

ISBN 9789027207968 | EUR 250.00 | USD 325.00
ISBN 9789027260475 | EUR 250.00 | USD 325.00
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The completely redesigned Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a comprehensive corpus-based reference grammar. GSWE describes the structural characteristics of grammatical constructions in English, as do other reference grammars. But GSWE is unique in that it gives equal attention to describing the patterns of language use for each grammatical feature, based on empirical analyses of grammatical patterns in a 40-million-word corpus of spoken and written registers.
Grammar-in-use is characterized by three inter-related kinds of information: frequency of grammatical features in spoken and written registers, frequencies of the most common lexico-grammatical patterns, and analysis of the discourse factors influencing choices among related grammatical features. GSWE includes over 350 tables and figures highlighting the results of corpus-based investigations. Throughout the book, authentic examples illustrate all research findings.
The empirical descriptions document the lexico-grammatical features that are especially common in face-to-face-conversation compared to those that are especially common in academic writing. Analyses of fiction and newspaper articles are included as further benchmarks of language use. GSWE contains over 6,000 authentic examples from these four registers, illustrating the range of lexico-grammatical features in real-world speech and writing. In addition, comparisons between British and American English reveal specific regional differences.
Now completely redesigned and available in an electronic edition, the Grammar of Spoken and Written English remains a unique and indispensable reference work for researchers, language teachers, and students alike.
[Not in series, 232] 2021.  xxxv, 1220 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Table of Contents
Cited by (85)

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Zhou, Ziheng
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Dirdal, Hildegunn
2022. Development of L2 writing complexity. In Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpus Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 104],  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
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Fadanelli, Sabrina Bonqueves & Maria Valesia Silva da Silva
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2022. On the Relationship between Speech Intelligibility and Fluency Indicators among English-Speaking Individuals with Parkinson’s Diseases. Behavioural Neurology 2022  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2022. Structural and Formal Constructions of Translating the Attributive Phrases of the Story “A Matter of Life and Death” by Les Martovych into English. Mìžnarodnij fìlologìčnij časopis 13:4 DOI logo
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2022. Integrating fluency and prosody into multidimensional analysis. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 8:2  pp. 190 ff. DOI logo
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2021. CONDITIONALS AT THE CROSSROADS OF CONVERGENT AND DIVERGENT THINKING. Bulletin Of Brusov State University. Linguistics And Philology  pp. 100 ff. DOI logo
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2023. The Especial Causes of Weakness behind Learning English language in the Secondary Schools: a Case Study of Rangpur District. British Journal of Arts and Humanities  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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CF/2AB: Linguistics/English

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LAN006000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation
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